A Portal to Leya

A Portal to Leya by Elizabeth Brown

Book: A Portal to Leya by Elizabeth Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Brown
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to his energy because it was the exact opposite of hers.
Opposites do attract when they are emitting at the same consistency. The
opposition is no longer considered when the degrees are of equal distribution. This
scares me.
    Edward Leedskalnin said that both positive and
negative charges were of equal importance when it came to magnetic currents. Ed
disputed contemporary science and stated that “All matter consists of magnets
which can produce measurable phenomena and electricity.” Ed claimed to see
“beads of light” and he explained how these were the physical presence of
nature’s magnetism and life force otherwise known as Chi.
    I’m trying to remain positive. I’ve been avoiding
Trudy. I got an A+ on my Steinbeck essay. McDermott wrote Beautiful essay, Lance.
You are a gifted writer. I really think the blog has helped me. I’ve never
been called gifted before by anyone! Dorrie writes poems and children’s books,
so I guess it’s genetic. But I’ve never really taken a shine to writing until
this blog.
    Heather Congrat’s
on your essay!!! I’m not surprised in the least bit. Glad you liked my pic!
Btw: I once had a boyfriend who was a creep. He used to abuse me. One day my
best friend told me she wouldn’t be my friend anymore if I kept this guy. So, I
decided to dump him. I couldn’t see how bad he was until I was away from him!!!
    Susanne Lance,
you made me cry. That memory was so vivid. I felt like Leya was back. I loved
her bike. Neal was so cruel to Leya. I remember, too, when he would make fun of
her poetry. He didn’t like me because I was a threat like you. I love your
blog, but it is painful. Why haven’t you called me? Please don’t be angry about
911. I care about you!
been having real vivid memories lately. Here is my sledding memory:
February. We are sledding on the Rockledge Country Club hill. Francis is home
and we ride down the hill together on your toboggan. Leya’s legs and arms are
wrapped around me. I am embarrassed because your boot is between my legs and
pressing in that area and making me feel (ok one more time) aroused. It was the
first time that happened. The wind chill makes it ten below. We stay for two
and one half hours. When we get home, my toes and fingers ache as they thaw. I
pull my socks and put them up against the radiator. I notice they are bright
red. It hurts so bad I want to cry. But instead I moan and Francis gives me
that cut it out look. He makes hot chocolate on the stove. It’s Leya’s idea to
put Marshmallow Fluff in our cocoa. Francis seems quiet. Leya keeps giggling
and elbowing Francis, and he grins. I think she likes him the way I like her. I
don’t realize it until later on. Francis leaves for Afghanistan the next day. I
cry all the time because I miss him so much. I don’t tell anyone how much. Leya
doesn’t come around for at least three months. I missed her. But at least she
was alive.
year later…it’s foggy with no snow. It is a white day, white like a canvas, so
white I have to squint, and I can feel an odd sort of moisture in the air.
Dorrie and I walked to the bookstore. We are here now. I’m blogging. It’s been
a long time since we’ve done that, Dorrie and I going for a walk. I have to
admit, it felt nice. It was peaceful. She didn’t ask me any annoying questions.
There were no expectations. When I passed St. Benedict’s Cemetery, I didn’t think
of Leya. Up until this point, whenever I passed the cemetery, I felt compelled
to go inside, as if I could get closer to her somehow. I don’t want to think
her waves are dissipating. I can’t live without her. I really can’t. But, right
now, I feel a sense of peace at the bookstore. I like it because everyone is
doing the same thing—reading, writing, or talking in hushed tones. We all have
a single purpose in mind. Our waves are on level, balanced. I haven’t felt this
calm in a long time. I feel

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