A Part of Me

A Part of Me by Taryn Plendl

Book: A Part of Me by Taryn Plendl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taryn Plendl
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patience.  So many times I had wanted to talk to Tom, to do what Dr. Connor had suggested and lay it all out on the table, but the time hadn’t been right.  I never got close enough to him to really even say hello.
    I did, however, have plenty of opportunities to watch him, and my heart melted like ice on a hot summer day at the change in him.  His eyes looked more alive.  He stood tall and strong—much more like the Tom I used to know.  The Tom before the accident.
    I couldn’t stop loving him.  My heart was empty without him.  I was drawn to him like a bee to honey.  I had to find a way to show him how much he meant to me.
    The knock on the door brought me back from my thoughts. The wedding Officiant—Danielle Blake—entered, her friendly smile setting the mood of the room.  “Ava, it’s just about time.  I wanted to stop by before I went to gather the guys to make sure you didn’t need anything.” 
    Ava had fallen in love with Danielle the moment she had met her.  She had such a personal approach to each and every wedding, taking time to get to know the bride and groom so the ceremony would be all about them and not a cookie cutter wedding. I could see why Ava liked her.  It would be just what I would’ve looked for if it were my wedding.  For a moment I pictured my own wedding, walking down the aisle to the arms of the man I love.  Tom’s face flashed through my mind and my heart raced and warmth flowed through my body.  A girl could dream, right?
    As we stood there waiting for the moment when we would walk down the aisle, I looked over at Ava, noticing the nervousness plastered over her features.  “Hey, stop it with the nerves.  You have been waiting for this day for as long as I’ve known you. Don’t freak out now that you finally added a face to the fantasy.”   I winked at her, knowing that her nerves weren’t due to doubts, but anticipation and excitement.
    Chelsea peeked out the door, watching for the sign that it was time for us to leave the confines of this room and move down the hallway, out the French doors and lead Ava into her future.
    “Okay, let’s do this.”  Chelsea winked and smiled as she opened the door and walked out slowly in front of us.  It was my turn next.  I blew a kiss to Ava and began my own walk.  Ava was walking down the aisle alone, knowing that the memory of her father was with her the whole way.  She was amazing.
    Chelsea was about ten feet in front of me, her silver dress flowing and fluttering beautifully with every step.  I couldn’t wipe the shit eating grin off my face.  I was so happy for my friends.  I turned the corner, bringing myself to the end of the long white carpet.  Looking up I saw Trevor standing there so proud and happy that it warmed my heart.  I took precise, timed steps, glancing up as I got about halfway down the aisle. 
    My smile turned into an open mouth the moment my eyes landed on Tom, standing on two feet without the aid of his crutches. I bit back the tears I felt instantly fill my eyes.  He was all smiles as I looked at him, unable to tear my eyes away.  His shoulders were squared and he stood taller than I’d seen since the accident, maybe even before.  He exuded strength and pride, and it took all of my power not to run and throw myself into his arms and pour my heart and soul to him.
    By the time I made it to the front and took my place, I was so emotionally charged that I could hardly stand still.  I smiled at Trevor, Tom and Nick before turning my attention to Danielle as she spoke, “All Rise”.  The doors opened and there she was.
    She was even more stunning with the glowing blush that flooded her face the moment she laid eyes on her future husband.  My heart swelled from the enormity of the love that they shared.  It was truly beautiful.
    Trevor walked several feet to meet Ava, taking her hands and leading her to stand with him in front of Danielle.
    “Please be seated”.  Danielle began.

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