A Part of Me

A Part of Me by Taryn Plendl Page A

Book: A Part of Me by Taryn Plendl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taryn Plendl
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 “Good evening.  Today, you have invited me to be with you to share in the celebration of your marriage.  We come together not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize a bond that already exists.”  My eyes filled with tears.  “Ava and Trevor, in your devotion, respect, and love for each other, you wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage.  You come together to dedicate yourselves to each other's happiness and well-being as best friends, life mates and partners.”  She paused.  “Please look into each other’s eyes as you pledge your intent and say your vows to one another.  No other ties are more tender, no other vows more sacred than those you now pledge.”
    I couldn’t help but watch Tom as they spoke their vows, feeling the intense love shared.  I almost felt like some of the words were my own, bringing to light the immense feelings I was holding on for Tom, in hopes that he would somehow return them.
    “Ava and Trevor, in your journey in life together, remind yourselves often of the friendship, loyalty and love that brought you together.  Give the highest priority to these things.”  I looked up to see Tom looking directly at me. 
    “When challenges come, remember to focus on what is right between you.  In this way, you can ride out the storms.  When clouds hide the sun in your lives, remember even if you lose sight of it for a moment… the sun is always there, as is your love.”  Tom and I couldn’t look away from each other.  Things suddenly seemed so clear and I couldn’t wait to talk to him.
    “And now as you begin the greatest journey of your life:  In as much as you have agreed to enter the marriage relationship, having exchanged vows and having given and received rings, I now, by the authority vested in me, pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
    I was openly crying now, watching as my best friend walked down the aisle for the first time as Mrs. Trevor Dawson.  Before I realized it, my arm was looped through Tom’s as we walked, holy shit…he was walking , together following behind Ava and Trevor.
    The emotions from just touching him were overwhelming, causing my heart to beat rapidly and my palm start to sweat.  He smelled amazing.  Spice and musk infiltrated my senses making me almost delirious. I had missed him so much!
    The next hour flew by between taking pictures and getting ready for our entrance into the reception hall.  Ava and Trevor were beside themselves with the excitement of the day, and the relief that they had finally gotten married.  It was contagious.
    As much as I longed to pull Tom away for a moment to talk, the timing wasn’t right.  Our focus was on our friends and their day.
    Before I knew it we were entering the reception hall and sitting down for dinner.  Chelsea and I next to Ava and Tom and Nick on the other side of Trevor.
    “Hey baby!”  I turned to see a gorgeous smile and shaggy golden blonde hair in front of me.
    “Austin!  I didn’t know you were going to be here.  I thought you couldn’t make it.”  I exclaimed as I jumped up to greet him, throwing myself into his arms.
    “Yeah, well I wasn’t sure I would be able to get away.”  He laughed, hugging me back.
    “Well, it is official; all of my favorite people are here now!”  I kissed him on the cheek, grinning from ear to ear.

    Chapter 18
    Whatever I thought was happening between Talia and I disappeared the moment I saw her throw herself into the arms of another man.  From the conversation I’d overheard, it was obvious they knew each other and it seemed like they knew each other well .
    The familiar way she touched him and looked at him had my muscles twitching with anger and outright jealousy.  What did I expect?  I told her to leave.  I told her I couldn’t be with her—that I didn’t want her.  Did I seriously expect her to wait around for me to get my shit together?  From the way I had acted over the

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