A Paradox in Retrograde

A Paradox in Retrograde by John Faherty Page B

Book: A Paradox in Retrograde by John Faherty Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Faherty
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its inner workings had remained unknown to any of the islands current inhabitants, the mechanism
by use of a temporal displacement field was capable of passing
any packet of data to any point within the continuum of space
time. Long ago this cryptic message had been sent down through
a micro gravity well to the waiting receiver on the other side. The
message riding upon an electromagnetic field wave had by passed
through the intervening years by tunneling its way through an unimaginably small tear in the fabric of the universe. In a feat of
unrivaled technology it bore its way through, breaching the void
that separated it from its other half in space and time. As the
wave tunneled through the space between them the mechanism
held in stasis the matched pair of quantum entanglements that
represented the sender and the receiver. The message from a virtual middle ground that stood outside the universe would then
flow effortlessly through either end.
    From the shadows Xora looked on in rapt amazement as the connection was made. As the link was acquired the crystal room began to shine and resonate in a manner she had not before seen.
There emanating from upon the surface of the wall and ceiling
before him first appeared what he thought to be a kind of illusion.
What they both saw there was a representation of a potential
space as a dark sphere in three dimensions. Not a mere vacuum
but a tangible expanse. For a moment this impossibility hung
there as the air around it crackled and flashed with a visceral static charge. These appearances were fleeting and changing at an
ever increasing rate. A closer look revealed that there within,
what appeared to be the swirling black water of this void was a
growing pin prick of light. As if approaching from a distance began to slowly fill the dark sphere. It hovered there suspended like
a dandelion seed against the deep black. Before their eyes these
flashing images were transformed to ones more distinct. Suddenly the room was filled with brightness akin to daylight. The images there though ancient were as bright and clear ason the day
they were captured. Xora had little understanding of the strange
symbols and objects she saw. Focusing upon the meaning of
these images they had failed to notice that this projection had
begun to fill the entirety of the space. Without warning the images again transformed. Before them there now appeared a vision of a raven haired beauty. She stood in regal splendor,
dressed in finest clothing and jewelry. She was by far the most
beautiful woman Xora had ever seen. She could barely believe
her eyes for this image seemed to have an almost tactile presence as if she were truly there. Ananda and the figure within this
vision seemed to lock glances upon each other. Ananda reached
out and tried to touch the figure before him and was confused as
his hand passed straight through. Though she was not there in
body there was energy present within the chamber that seemed
to somehow respond to Ananda's own presence. Xora watched
transfixed as the resonance willed from its beating crystal heart
an emanation of soft warm glowing light. It began to fill the air
surrounding him. Soon he was enveloped in its shimmering veil.
As if amplifying his writhing emotion his mind hovered there,
caught within its gentle embrace. Deeply he breathed in the amber tinted air that swirled and charged the space about him in an
intoxicating haze. A soft familiar voice filled his conscious mind
as the message having spanned the gap of millennia reached his
ears. The words she spoke were soft but its content hard. With a
word she would unravel a spell cast long ago.
    From her hiding place within the shadows Xora continued to
listen as she stared into the image emblazed there. She somehow
recognized that it was Lady Samantha. In the language of their
people Samantha had spoken to Ananda. Though Xora could not
understand her strange tongue, she saw on the woman's image
softness in her ebony black eyes

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