A Paradox in Retrograde

A Paradox in Retrograde by John Faherty Page A

Book: A Paradox in Retrograde by John Faherty Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Faherty
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sensed something?" she
asked delicately. He struggled to answer. "Last night I was witness to a terrifying vision. These images I fear were conjured here
within this room. To these I am both drawn to and repelled from."
She again placed her hand on his shoulder in a reassuring gesture
of friendship. In that instant she too fell into a spell of unfamiliar
emotions. She easily recognized these as not her own. She removed her hand at once and the flood of emotion and imagery
that spilled into her consciousness had for the moment ceased.
Then without warning as if her body had been possessed her eyes
began to roll back uncontrollably within her head. She for the
moment felt the distinct sensation of free fall as her mind filled
with juxtaposed imagery both familiar and unrecognizable. Overcome, her legs had fallen from beneath her. Ananda was there
however to catch her. There within the safety of his arms she was
seemingly in an altered state. Though she was not conscious to it
her body resonated with a kind of energy she had not before encountered.
    A few moments later she awoke to find herself on the floor being
cradled by Ananda. Though he held her she no longer felt the
coursing energy flow through him. She sat up confused and a little embarrassed about her current predicament. "What happened?
What was that? Did you feel it as well?"
    "Yes, it was very powerful." She rose to her feet running her
hands along the sides of her clothing as if to brush away some
invisible debris. "Well what was that?" Ananda offered a somewhat feasible explanation.
    "I was in direct contact with the room. I touched the threshold
and a wave of communication rolled over me. You placed your
hand upon me and you too seemed to be affected."
"Why were you not knocked unconscious?"
    "I don't know, but perhaps this energy field here held within is
more attuned to my senses than yours. I think we shall soon
learn." He reached his hand out toward hers. They held hands
and walked into the center of the room careful to stay clear of its
    As was the practice she recited from a well-worn prayer wheel
the words that both conferred blessing and activated the mechanism. As if he had anticipated their arrival, James's presence
could again be sensed there. He spoke and his voiceresonated in
a tone that seemed to mimic a cadence of fatherly concern, filling the space around them. "Lady Xora, Ananda, I welcome
you. I am glad to see you have returned. In your absence I have
discovered much that I wish to show you. Ananda turned to Xora and said in a reassuring tone, "For the mean time, I think it
prudent that you should stay clear of me while within these
walls; at least until we know more about the nature of this message." Though her intention was to stay and be a witness to this
message she reluctantly acquiesced. She did not wish to express
her dissatisfaction, so she signaled her agreement to his request
with a simple nod of her head. She stepped quietly back into a
darkened corner, though her eyes and ears remained fixed on
him. "James please continue."
    "Dear friends I must apologize for my lack of foresight. It
seems I should have anticipated this turn of events. However
hindsight is often clear than the first view, and it is not yet too
late. It is good that you have returned for after my experience
last night I have discovered the source of that cryptic message
and there is still more there waiting to be discovered. But first
there is a message there waiting for you. I do not understand
how this message came to be here now as I have no memory of
it and it appears to be quite old indeed. Would like me to play it
for you now?"
"Yes, I would like that, very much thank you."
    Though the crystal room did appear more as a of work art than of
technology, to its true nature they would soon be witnesses. The
interior surface of the crystal known to the ancients as The Oracle
began to flash and hum in a kaleidoscope of color, as its vast energies mounted. Though

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