relationship between ESP and the alpha state, and announces “an alpha training device has now been built for additional experimentation and funded by the Society for Comparative Philosophy, Sausalito, California.” 124
An April 1972 document says, “It may be worth considering that psychokinesis occurs via an energy ‘exchange’ or communication between the experimenter and the object.” 125 Then a P.S. is added explaining why it is so difficult to obtain information on this subject through FOIA requests. The P.S. says, “Would like to file with Plant Sensors File.”
The experiments that Ewen Cameron used with me were similar to what Dr. Bekhtereva was doing at the Bekhtereva Brain Institute in Leningrad. xxxvii Instead of using radioactive isotopes, she bored tiny holes into the patients’ skulls and inserted gold electrodes (bunches of six to eight coated wires) that were each one twelfth of an inch shorter than the next. As a result, each then monitored a different level of cells. The electrodes were attached to an electroencephalograph and the researchers could see the bioelectrical exchanges between the cells. By logging these exchanges the researchers could determine where information they gave the patient was stored in the brain. 126 Part of Harold Wolff’s budget for September 1960 through August of 1961 was for an apparatus for scanning EEG alpha waves for brain function studies. 127
In a declassified document Dr. Bekhtereva and her institute was named as one of five “Institutes conducting ESP Research in Russia” in 1963. 128 Our government knew exactly what methods were being used in brain and ESP research across the globe.
In a conversation with Dr. Bekhtereva in 1972, Henry Gris asked her what her greatest ambition in life was? She stated she wanted to “transcribe electronically the entire range of the intellectual activity of the human mind.” He then asked the question, “Once this is accomplished, would it not be feasible to feed a superior intellect into a lesser brain?” She answered that that would not be ethical. 129 She later explained that she was investigating an area of the brain where nerve cells remain inactive while the human mind behaved rationally; but when man behaved irrationally this part of the brain touched off an alarm that mobilized other cells to correct the mistake. She said, “If we were toeliminate this area via micro destruction of cells-which we can do since we know its exact location-we could turn you all into absent-minded professors.” 130 The implications of this remark are staggering.
At a symposium on “Man-Computer Relations” at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in February 1976, Dr. Adam V. Reed from Rockefeller University acknowledged the need to protect against the dangerous applications of “thought control”--turning human beings into virtual robotsviacomputer brain hookups. He said this would be dependent upon progress in breaking the internal codes of the human mind. 131
This statement reveals to me how Dr. Bekhtereva’s methods of electrode implantation and information retrieval could help break those internal codes. Her methods were also very similar to the experiments Dr. Wilder Penfield of McGill University performed on me sometime between 1957 and 1960. xxxviii Dr. Penfield worked with Dr. Donald Hebb at Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) doing research on brain-damaged patients between 1937 and 1939. 132 Dr. Hebb went on to become the Chairman of the Psychology Department of McGill University during the 50’s and worked closely with Canadian and U.S. intelligence. He had special CIA security clearance issued to him in the early 1960’s. 133 Hebb’s study to investigate the effects of isolation on attitude change was commissioned by the Canadian Government in 1951. 134 I mention this because there will be great skepticism that the esteemed Wilder Penfield would have taken part in any
Ryu Murakami
Susan Meier
Julian Symons
D. B. C. Pierre
Tymber Dalton
Nicola Cornick
Matthew Quirk
Robin Kaye
Brian Swann
Gretchen Galway