A Murderous Masquerade
each other’s lives on numerous occasions. I didn’t see you endangering your life on behalf of your country. I seem to remember you sitting on your great, fat, pompous arse and stuffing your face with candies while the real men of the country slogged it out on the battlefields.” She tore her arm from her father’s and stormed off along the corridor, turning into the ladies retiring room before either one of them could follow her.
    After a shocked gasp from her father, Edward merely suggested that they let her get over her fit of temper and continue into the ballroom. They walked together and Edward craned his neck over the gathering crowds to look for his two friends. After seeing his father into the card room he turned about the supper hall, knowing that Latham and Rookwood had worked up an appetite as healthy as his own. He found them both standing against a wall, staring open mouthed at something just out of his own line of sight.
    “You two look as though you’ve seen ten naked ladies writhing about the floor. What’s going on to make you drool like callow youths?”
    Rookwood didn’t speak but just pointed with his gloved hand.
    Edward raised his glass to his eye and blinked out into the ballroom. A tight crowd was gathered around a handsome couple. The man was tall and broad, dressed in a fine coat that showed the breadth of his shoulders to perfection. His mask covered most of his face but he appeared to be looking intently at the woman at his side.
    Her back was turned to him but she looked petite, young and graceful, her shining tresses of golden blonde hair piled high on her head with curling tendrils falling to her shoulders. The tiny sleeves of her pale pink dress barely covered the tops of her creamy white arms and a goodly part of her back was exposed by the Grecian style dress.
    At that moment a man walked through the crowd bearing a tray of champagne glasses and the masses parted for him. The young woman’s companion dipped his head and obviously asked her if she would like a drink. At her nod he stopped the server, took two glasses and passed one to her. The woman lifted her dainty chin as she turned to thank the man.
    Edward nearly fell backwards onto his friends even though most of her face was covered by a delicate feather mask, he could see the bottom half of the beauty’s radiant face. She was quite the most delicious young woman he had ever seen. Her breasts filled the top of the shimmering gown which clung to her lush lower body as she moved to speak to another man in the crowd.
    “My God! She looks as fresh as the first peach plucked from the tree. I bet she’s as juicy too. I wonder if she’s been had yet. She looks young for a widow, but it’s hard to tell with all those feathers covering her eyes. That man with her clearly isn’t her husband. There’s no way anyone married to that goddess would ever let those young bucks talk to her like that. Look at those breasts...And I can see Cardew slathering over her, I’d know him anywhere even with a mask. Look at him! His mouth is watering so much, it’s as if he’s about to take a bite out of them. By God! What a figure! See the way her gown moves against her buttocks and thighs. Magnificent!”
    Latham merely nodded, clearly speechless but agreeing with every word his friend had said.
    Rookwood found his voice again.
    “Well, I’m up for a tumble with her. What do you say that we persuade her out onto the terrace when her companion is otherwise engaged? I noticed a maze just beyond the walled garden. A little dalliance with a ripe virgin could be just the thing to whet our appetites before we make our way to meet Rachael.” He wiped his hand across his mouth as he looked as though he was about to drool.
    Latham grinned as he nodded in agreement.
    “We’re only here another couple of days, but it’s dashed inconvenient having to go into town for a bit of regular release. My father has forbidden me to use any of the Duke’s

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