A Murderous Masquerade
Alexander’s trusted stableman and steward, as well as someone I have the honour to call a friend of my own. He knows everything there is to know about horses and has been instrumental in our joint breeding plan.” He grinned at the still silent Geoffrey. “Perhaps you would see to my cousin while I find Lady Anne?” Giles inclined his head towards Geoffrey who gave a sudden sharp nod as his mysterious grey eyes stared down at Charlotte.
    Giles strode off into the throng while Geoffrey stood quietly at Charlotte’s side. He remained silent and glowered ferociously at any man who dared to approach them. Charlotte’s eyes slid over his magnificent form. His coat wasn’t of the highest quality but his shirt almost shone with whiteness. His boots were of the softest leather and his breeches hugged his hard thighs. His hands were tanned and slightly abraded on the outer edges. Charlotte guessed he rode well and hard nearly every day.
    She gave a little cough and he glanced down at her, his eyes immediately full of concern as he noticed her empty glass.
    “Are you thirsty, Lady Charlotte? Can I get you something to drink?”
    She nodded.
    “Thank you. That last dance was a fair gallop and the champagne, though delicious just adds to one’s thirst. A lemonade would be delightful while I wait for Alexander to claim his waltz.”
    Geoffrey glanced around and seeing that there were no foolish young men who might ask her to dance in the vicinity, he led her to a chair, gave her a slight bow and turned towards the refreshment room.
    Charlotte had only been sitting for a moment when a splendidly dressed young man was suddenly standing in front of her. She tried to ignore him but he bowed low and began speaking.
    “I am afraid that your beauty has rendered my manners impossible to control. I couldn’t wait for a formal introduction before I asked you for this waltz. I am Lord Ainsley Rookwood, friend of Lord Ellesworth and the Duke of Ormond. My father is playing cards with his Lordship as we speak, but I couldn’t bear the stuffiness of the room and came out here only to have my breath completely taken away by your loveliness.” He held out his hand towards her.
    Charlotte flushed at his enthusiastic introduction and couldn’t help but answer if she didn’t want to appear rude.
    “As this is a masquerade I am unable to reveal my name until after midnight. As it is, I am waiting for my companion to bring me a lemonade. I am unused to dancing and the last reel fairly wore me out.”
    Lord Rookwood lifted his own mask a fraction and raised a devilish eyebrow as Charlotte caught sight of his face. He put on his most pleasing smile.
    “A waltz is hardly a reel and as your drink appears to be taking longer than you supposed perhaps we could dance the few minutes away.” He didn’t give her chance to refuse. She almost fell against him as he snatched her gloved hand and pulled her from the chair. Within seconds she was propelled onto the crowded dance floor and whisked into the affray. Her feet barely touched the floor as he twirled her around quickly and she had to grip his shoulders to stop him plastering her to his chest.
    “Please! Release me!” She begged as her head spun frighteningly.
    Rookwood smiled rakishly and held her indecently close.
    “You must be too warm if a mere waltz has you swooning, or maybe it’s my magnetic charisma that you are falling for, either way I suggest a short interlude outside. The fresh air will revive you.” He twirled her through the throng of dancers and within seconds she found herself on the darkening terrace.
    Even with her limited experience Charlotte knew that this was all wrong. She beat her fist against his chest as he manhandled her across the flag stones.
    “Unhand me, you dog! I will call for my cousin!” She snatched her hand out of his grasp and slapped him across his face.
    There came another laugh from behind them and a second figure loomed out of the twilight. His

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