A Mother's Guide to Raising Healthy Children--Naturally

A Mother's Guide to Raising Healthy Children--Naturally by Sue Frederick

Book: A Mother's Guide to Raising Healthy Children--Naturally by Sue Frederick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Frederick
Tags: Health & Fitness, test, Women's Health
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when lying down, and in open air.
Nux vomica for constant nasal discharge during the day, congestion at night; administer if child is irritable, chilly, sneezing.
Pulsatillafor bland yellow nasal discharge during the day, congestion at night; use if child is not thirsty but is moody and craves sympathy.
Herbal Medicine
Astragalus membranaceous Chinese herb that helps strengthen the immune system.
Goldenseala natural antibiotic that also soothes mucus membranes.
Garlicantibacterial, antiseptic herb.
Omega-3 oils (such as evening primrose, flaxseed, cod liver, salmon oil)promotes the expression of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, thus decreasing inflammation; essential for proper immune function.
Zinc picolinate (10 to 15 milligrams)trace mineral necessary for proper immune function.
Brewer's yeastexcellent source of B vitamins and trace minerals.
Vitamin Cantioxidant critical for proper immune function.
Quercetinbioflavonoid with antihistamine activity that teams up with vitamin C.
Beta-caroteneprecursor to vitamin A, necessary for healthy skin and mucosa.
Chamomile Germanits high azulene content makes this oil an effective anti-inflammatory, plus it is antibacterial, antiseptic, and disinfectant.


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Eucalyptusa cooling and soothing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibiotic, and analgesic oil.
Geraniumantiseptic, astringent, and sedative; helps shrink and calm inflamed sinuses.
Rosemaryastringent, antiseptic, helps shrink sinuses and promote drainage.
Arsenicumfor throbbing and burning pains in the sinuses, sensitivity to light, nausea, vomiting; give if child feels better lying down with head raised on pillows and exposed to cool air.
Hepar sulphuris for yellow or yellow-green nasal discharge.
Kali bichromicum for thick, stringy white nasal discharge; administer if child feels better with warmth.
Mercuriusfor a stuffy nose that isn't getting better, with thick, green, acrid, offensive-smelling nasal discharge.
Pulsatillafor thick yellow or green nasal discharge; head pain that worsens when lying down; child also may have digestive problems.
Herbal Medicine
Echinacea and goldenseal combination (use for one week, then goldenseal alone can be used)antiviral echinacea and antibacterial goldenseal both stimulate the immune response; goldenseal also soothes mucus membranes.
Garlicantibacterial herb.
Brewer's yeastsource of B vitamins and trace minerals.
Vitamin Cboosts immune function.
Quercetina bioflavonoid with antihistamine activity.
Beta-carotenepro-vitamin A, heals mucus membranes, necessary for healthy skin.


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Omega-3 oils (such as evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, salmon oil)promotes the expression of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, thus decreasing inflammation; essential for proper immune function.
Zinc picolinate (10 to 15 milligrams)a well-absorbed form of zinc, which is a trace mineral essential for proper immune function.
Lavenderantibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative, circulatory stimulant; allays shock.
Geraniumantiseptic, astringent, sedative; helps shrink inflamed respiratory passages.
Arsenicumif child is tired, weak, restless, anxious, sensitive to cold.
Antimonium tantaricum if the child is wheezing, has a tight feeling in the chest, and has difficulty coughing up mucus.
Chamomillaif the asthma is triggered by anger and irritability.
Ipecacfor persistent nausea, a loose cough, rattling in the chest, difficulty expectorating.
Nux vomica if the child feels full in the stomach or may have a feeling of choking.
Pulsatillafor asthmatic breathing in warm, stuffy rooms; use if child feels better with cool air or craves sympathy.
Herbal Medicine
Astragalus membranaceous Chinese herb that helps strengthen immune and lung function.
Chamomilesoothing, relaxant herb.
Licorice rootsoothes lungs, helps strengthen adrenal function.
Goldensealnatural antibiotic, boosts immune

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