A Mother's Guide to Raising Healthy Children--Naturally

A Mother's Guide to Raising Healthy Children--Naturally by Sue Frederick Page A

Book: A Mother's Guide to Raising Healthy Children--Naturally by Sue Frederick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Frederick
Tags: Health & Fitness, test, Women's Health
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Garlicantibacterial herb.


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Brewer's yeastexcellent source of B vitamins and trace minerals, supports adrenal function, helps the body deal with stress.
Pantothenic acida B vitamin that supports adrenal function and the immune system.
B12inadequate amounts of B12 have been linked to asthma.
Emergen-Cproduct from Alacer Corporation containing vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, chromium, and zinc; boosts immune function, helps body deal with stress.
Quercetina bioflavonoid with antihistamine activity.
Beta-carotenepro-vitamin A, heals mucus membranes.
Omega-3 oils (such as evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, salmon oil)essential fatty acids that reduce inflammatory response.
Magnesiumrelaxes blood vessels, a natural bronchodilator.
Zinc picolinate (10 to 15 milligrams)a well-absorbed form of zinc, which is a trace mineral essential for proper immune function.
Anxiety and Restlessness
Chamomile Romanthe species of chamomile most effective in treating nervous conditions and insomnia.
Geraniumsedative and nerve tonic.
Lavenderantidepressant, sedative.
Arsenicumif child is high-strung, nervous, easily frightened.
Chamomillaif child throws temper tantrums; asks for, then refuses things; can't be satisfied.
Ignatiaif emotional or sexual abuse is suspected.
Nux vomica if child is hyperactive, overly excitable, revved up, hypersensitive.


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Rhus toxicodendron if child is restless, confused, uneasy, especially at night.
Herbal Medicine
Chamomilerelaxant, sedative herb; don't give with homeopathic chamomilla, as they will cancel each other out.
Calcium and magnesium combinationcalcium and magnesium relax muscles, improve blood flow, soothe a keyed-up or stressed nervous system.
Brewer's yeastexcellent source of B vitamins and trace minerals, supports adrenal function, helps the body deal with stress.
Athlete's Foot
Healing Foot Bathadd 5 drops tea tree oil to 1 cup salt and place in a large bowl of water; soak the child's feet for at least 5 minutes daily. Dry feet well, then use Athlete's Foot Powder (see below).
Athlete's Foot Powderadd 10 drops tea tree oil a few drops at a time to a cup of dry green clay or cornstarch. Mix well and use to powder the feet before putting on cotton or wool (not nylon) socks.
Athlete's Foot Massage Oiladd 30 drops Tagetes to 2 tablespoons cold-pressed organic vegetable oil and use to massage feet before bed.
Thujaan effective homeopathic remedy for athlete's foot; use ointment as well as capsules.
Herbal Medicine
Garlica powerful fungicide; slice garlic and put in your child's socks; or add garlic slivers to cornstarch, let the mixture sit overnight, and use to dust feet and the inside of shoes.


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Emergen-Cproduct from Alacer Corporation containing vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, chromium, and zinc; boosts immune function, helps body deal with stress.
Quercetin with other bioflavonoidsanti-inflammatory, antiallergenic, works with vitamin C to boost immune function.
Beta-caroteneused by the body to produce vitamin A, heals mucus membranes, important for immune function.
Zinc picolinatea well-absorbed form of zinc; zinc is essential for proper immune function; therapeutic dose is 15 to 20 milligrams twice daily for up to one week. Normal zinc intake should be 15 milligrams per day.
Boils; Burns; Cuts, Scrapes, and Puncture Wounds; Insect Bites and Stings
Lavenderantibiotic, antiseptic, promotes healing, prevents scarring.
Tea tree oilpowerful antiseptic, antibiotic.
Chamomileantibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.
Boil Bathing Solutioncombine 2 drops lavender, 2 drops tea tree oil, and 2 drops chamomile in a pint of hot water and use to bathe the area twice daily.
Belladonnabrings down a bright red, hot, throbbing boil.
Hepar sulphuris when a boil comes to

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