A Life Like This (Life #1)

A Life Like This (Life #1) by Cs Jacobs

Book: A Life Like This (Life #1) by Cs Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cs Jacobs
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have too much going on right now to be in a relationship. Not to mention, he is a client. That’s a big no-no.”
    “Don’t you think you should have thought about that sooner?”
    Leave it to my grandpa to point out the obvious. “Yeah, probably.” Feeling wrecked, I go to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. I’m going to need all the coffee I can get. “So, when is your flight out, Granddad?” I yell from the kitchen.
    “What flight out?” His voice startles me as he is standing right in the doorway.
    “Granddad, I told the guys and I will tell you, I’m fine. Truly I am. It was a shock that was all. Joey will be with me every night I’m sure, and when I’m not with him, I will be working. Hey, maybe soon I’ll take a vacation to the ranch. God knows I need it.”
    “Honey, I’m sorry. I thought I fixed this all those years ago.” He sounds so sad, defeated almost. I put down my coffee and walk up to him.
    “Granddad, now you listen here, this is not your fault. No one could have known what Edward would have done or when he would reappear in our lives. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t happen sooner. I’m not a child any more. I can take care of myself. I’m braver and stronger than you all think.”
    “I know you’re brave, darlin’. I’ve never doubted that. And I know you’re strong, stronger than most think. I told you a long time ago, you wouldn’t have to see that man again and my word was a lie. I tried, honey. I truly thought I fixed it.” He won’t even make eye contact with me. Goddamn it, I hate Edward for tearing this man apart. I hate the guilt he feels right now. Edward has not only ruined my life but the lives of the ones who have loved me the most.
    “Please stop before you make my cry, Granddad. You couldn’t have known he would be back. At least we’re prepared. He doesn’t know where I live, nor will he find out. I’m fine. He’s probably forgotten about me anyway.” I know that’s a lie when I say it, but I have to convince him I’m fine. Unfortunately, Edward will never forget about me. He made sure to remind me of that the last time he raped me. I know he meant it.
    “I’m not happy about this at all, and if it were up to me, I would take you down to Texas where you belong. But I know how stubborn you are. Unfortunately, that’s the one thing you did get from your mother. I’ll head out, but damn it, Angelica, you call me if you need anything.” He sounds so stern, angry almost. I know he wants to be here for me, but I need to be alone.
    “I will, Granddad. I promise you.” I hug him tightly. “I love you.”
    “To the moon and back.” That’s his usual reply. He makes a quick call on his cell to have the jet ready for him when he gets to the airport. One of his biggest expenses to date, he bought it when I was younger. He likes the idea of hopping on it at a moment’s notice; clearly, he has reason.
    I walk him to the door, we say our goodbyes one more time, and then he walks off to get a cab and tells me to get inside because it’s cold. I laugh at him but obey. No matter how old I am, he always tells me to get inside when it’s cold. God, I love this man. He is my mother’s stepfather, but he is the only grandfather I know. I have never treated him like he wasn’t blood, nor has he treated me any differently. Hell, he gave me his last name. Loyalty and love is what makes a family, and he is the only person to give me that aside from Joey. They are all the family I need. I walk back to my room and climb under the blankets. It doesn’t take long for the tears to come. Finally being alone, I am able to let my true feelings show. I’m terrified and I’m sad. Edward will find me and he will bother me. I wish it weren’t true, but that’s just the way that evil creature is. It has been years since I’ve seen him, but deep down I know he hasn’t changed one bit. That’s what scares me. I know he won’t rape me. I know he will keep me at

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