A Life Like This (Life #1)

A Life Like This (Life #1) by Cs Jacobs Page B

Book: A Life Like This (Life #1) by Cs Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cs Jacobs
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out. Yoga pants and a tank top it is. While gathering my clothes, I glance at my phone. It’s so rare to not have my phone with me constantly. I don’t know why I keep leaving it in my room. I have two more messages and a voice mail from my granddad. He tells me he arrived safely and hopes I’m having a well-deserved nap. He promises to call me again tomorrow. Traveling from New York to Texas is a quick trip for him with his own jet. The messages are from Joey, telling me he’s on his way over and bringing Italian. I knew he would be early. With a quick reply that I will see him soon, I head for the bathroom and indulge in a long bath. The warm water absorbs all of my problems. I wash my hair and shave, and then finally make my way out. As I am lathering up with lotion, I hear Joey walk in.
    “Honey, I’m home!” he squeals from the front door. I laugh and skip down the stairs to him.
    “Oh, baby, how I’ve missed you!” I run to him and he drops our food to grab me in a big hug. “We should seriously take up acting,” I tell him as I grab the food and head into the kitchen.
    “AP, they wouldn’t know what to do with us. We are simply too much talent for the world to handle. It’s better we stay in hiding.” He winks at me. I don’t know what I was thinking telling everyone I wanted to be alone. I hate it. I love having company. It gets lonely in this house by myself. At least I have Roger, I suppose.
    “How did the shoot go?” I ask as we dig into the bags, serving ourselves spaghetti, parmesan chicken, and salad.
    “It was hectic, had to work with snobby-ass models. They fucking wore me out, constantly bitching about something. On top of that, I had your man candy texting me all day asking about you. I’m spent!” He plops down on the couch with his food and digs in.
    “Wait, Blake was texting you? Why?” I’m confused. Why would he message Joey and not me? I was thinking he would be messaging me all day long, but he only sent me one email. I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t a tad hurt by that. I mean, I know I told everyone I was fine and to leave me be, but secretly I like when he emailed me. It made me know he is thinking about me. But after that one, I never got another. I figured he was over me. I wouldn’t blame him; I am a lot to take on.
    “Sweetie, did you forget you told the poor man you were fine and didn’t need to be babysat? He doesn’t know you like I do. He has yet to learn that when you say leave me alone, it means smother me.” I smack his arm, and he rubs it as if I could actually harm his muscle-covered self.
    “Shut up, Joey! You know I needed space.”
    “I know you did and you got it, so what’s the problem? Are you mad he was checking on you or because he was asking me and not you?”
    “I guess I’m mad he didn’t message me.” I shake my head. “God, I really am a complicated woman, aren’t I? However do you tolerate me?”
    “I don’t have a choice really. I’m stuck with you now.” He laughs as I smack him again. Jeez, my hand hurts.
    “Fuck off. You love me. So what did he say?”
    “He just asked how you were and if I was going to stay with you tonight.” He looks over at me and frowns a little. “He asked me about Edward after your nightmare. I told him what I knew.”
    “Please tell me you didn’t tell him his last name or anything telling? He’ll probably go and try to find him.” I look at Joey and he doesn’t meet my eyes. “Damn it, Joey. I don’t need anyone causing issues. I just want him to go away, not be confronted!” I put my plate on the coffee table and start to pace the living room. My heart’s racing again. I watch Joey put his plate down and walk over to me. “I’m fine, Joey. I just want him to go away.” Looking up at him, I can see the sadness in his eyes. I fucking hate it. I hate pity. “I need to use the bathroom.”
    Heading to the bathroom, I proceed straight to my medicine cabinet and grab another Xanax.

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