A Hourse to Love

A Hourse to Love by Marsha Hubler

Book: A Hourse to Love by Marsha Hubler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marsha Hubler
cool down.”
    “Thanks for helping me,” Skye said in a tone that stirred surprise on Morgan’s face.
    “You’re real y different the last few weeks,” Morgan said. “I mean, what happened? You’ve been thrown out of school before so I figured that didn’t do it.
    What’s going on? You don’t seem so angry.”
    “Wel , I never thought I’d say this, but Mrs.
    Chambers is pretty cool. Did you know she was a foster kid too?”
    “Yeah. She told me when I first moved in,” Morgan said.
    “She tel s me I’l never straighten out until I learn to control my temper. That’s what gets me in trouble al the time — that and my stupid pride. Mrs. Chambers has been helping me deal with stuff.”
    “I’l tel you one thing, Skye. Mr. and Mrs. C.
    understand kids. I’m glad you’ve decided to listen.”
    “I’l listen to some things. But I’m not interested in al that Bible junk they throw out. I guess it’s okay for you, but I don’t need it right now.” A fly buzzed around Blaze’s ears, forcing her to sidestep out of the shade. Morgan maneuvered her next to Champ again and shooed the fly away.
    “I can’t begin to tel you how much the Lord has helped me through al my problems,” Morgan said.
    “He’s there whenever I need him. Someday you’l realize — ”
    “Tel me more about the horse show,” Skye interrupted, cutting off al the God talk that made her uncomfortable. “How many kids are usual y in my class?”
    “Between five and ten. It depends. The weather has a lot to do with it. People are funny with their horses. If there’s a heat wave or it’s raining, I’d only look for a handful. But it real y doesn’t matter. As wel as you’re riding, they’l have a hard time beating you
    — as long as you keep your cool. Know what I mean?”
    “Yeah. Got it.”
    “Hey,” Morgan said with enthusiasm, “this Friday Youth for Truth is going to meet in our basement for its monthly activity. Do you want to come? Al the kids are in high school, but you’re stil welcome.”
    “What’s Youth for Truth?”
    “It’s kind of a teen club from church that meets for Bible study and group activities. I’d love it if you’d come.That way you could meet some of the real y cool Madison High kids. What do you say?”
    “No way!” Skye snapped. “Those kids don’t want a lowly seventh grader crashing their party.”
    “These kids are different. Honest! Besides, this is your home too, so you can invite some of your friends and do your own thing. What do you say?”
    “I guess I could invite Robin and Sooze. Are you sure your friends won’t mind?”
    “I know they won’t,” Morgan said. “The more the merrier. Now don’t forget, seven o’clock on Friday.”
    “You persuaded me,” Skye said, smiling. “I’l cal them as soon as we cool down the horses. Thanks.”
    “No problem — Sis,” Morgan said, a victorious smile on her face.
    “Hey,” Skye said, changing gears again. “Let’s ride back to Piney Hol ow. That place is so-o-o cool.
    I love it there.”
    “Ah, better not. It’s too close to lunch. Let’s head back to the barn and cool down. That should get us to the chow trough right on time!”

    Friday night the Chambers’ basement buzzed with a dozen teens as contemporary Christian music blared in the background.
    Mr. Chambers and Skye had shown Robin and Sooze around the barn, al owing them to meet each horse personal y. The girls had then entered the basement and had found their way to the kitchen counter where Mrs. Chambers served barbecue and chips. The girls each grabbed a can of soda and settled on chairs in a corner near the pool table.
    They stayed out of everybody’s way, huddling like three lost sheep and eyeing every move the older teens made.
    “Hi,” Morgan said as she motored toward the corner. Another girl walked behind her. “Skye, you know Melissa Richards from Maranatha?”
    “Yeah.” Skye’s eyebrows raised. “Hi.” Morgan continued. “Melissa

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