A Gentlemen's Agreement
so bad, it hurts. I’d give anything if you’d throw me down on that bed and rut
the hell out of me. Anything.”
    “Jesus Christ! I told you not to
say that. Get the hell out of here! Right now!”
    She sauntered across the room,
throwing as much sway into her ass as she could. He had to be watching and she hoped
that this would be the day that his resistance crumbled to dust.
    It wasn’t.
    But, as she passed through the
door, he yelled, “And send in whoever is available out there. Two of them. I don’t care which two, just make it fast.”
    She hooked her thumb at Apple and
Cherry. “You heard your owner. Get in there and give him some relief.”
    She envied the two slaves as they
scurried to obey.
    And she envied them a whole lot
more when they were shrieking in delight a few minutes later.
    Lime was staring at her in
    “What?” Irene asked.
    “What on earth do you do to him in
    “I begged him to rut the hell out
of me.”
    “He still won’t let you service
    “Not even when I fall on my knees.”
    “What a waste. I bet you’re a terrific
sex partner.”
    Irene smiled. “Thank you. Nickel
thinks so and I service her by rote.”
    “Not that you’re not a great
entertainment director. I’m not saying that. All I’m saying is that you could
direct all the entertainments and you could still get fucked every day. And at
the entertainments.”
    “I sure could.” She didn’t want to
think about that any more – it was making her crotch too juicy; she was
almost squishing when she moved her thighs – so she decided to change the
subject. “How did you become a slave?”
    “The most common way. Bankruptcy.
My husband was a gambler. We had a good income but he lost more than he won.
All gamblers do. He thought that he could win his money back if he kept placing
bigger bets until he got lucky. No gambler ever gets lucky enough. We were
married so his debts were my debts. When I was twenty-four, I fetched eighteen
thousand on the pleasure block. I heard that Daniel was worth only eleven
hundred on the labor block. Between the two of us, we still didn’t raise enough
to pay off his debts. His bookie was stupid. He could have foreclosed on us
much sooner and made a profit. I think that Daniel convinced him that he earned
a high salary and the bookie thought that he could get paid in full without
foreclosing on us.”
    “How long ago was that?”
    “I think I’m about thirty now, so
that was six years ago.”
    Irene was surprised. That made Lime
the oldest slave in the kennel save for Nickel. “You don’t look thirty. I’m
twenty-eight and I thought that you were younger than me.”
    “I try to look and act young. It
helps that I’m small and that I pretend to be naïve. The longer a pleasure
slave can stay young, the longer she can stay out of the labor auctions.”
    “When I’ve asked the others how they
were enslaved, they were all either pressed or adjudicated. None of you were
born into it.”
    “Peach was. You should talk to her
if you want to know about that. It’s not common, you know, to be born into
    “I didn’t realize that it was
    “Sure. Think about it. If an owner
breeds his slaves then he’s responsible for feeding and housing the children
until they are old enough to sell. That costs a lot of money. Half the children
are going to be boys and that means that they’ll almost certainly end up in
labor auctions. There’s no demand for male pleasure slaves. Of the girls, most
of them won’t be pretty enough. Plain-looking females join the males in the
labor auctions. So maybe one out of five children at most will be sold for a
good price. Only fools think that they’re going to get rich raising slaves.
They hear stories about some pleasure slave fetching a hundred thousand and
they think that they’ll get a whole crop of children who will grow up to be
those special cases.”
    “So why does anyone breed slaves

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