A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance)

A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance) by Farrah Rochon Page A

Book: A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance) by Farrah Rochon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Farrah Rochon
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for lunch at Emile’s. It could be a package deal.”
    It had been less than ten minutes since they had discovered there was anything worth seeing in Gauthier and she already had tour groups eating crab bisque at Emile’s. They first had to go through the rigors of getting the site in Gauthier acknowledged by the state’s historical society, which he was sure was no easy feat. But Corey wouldn’t put a damper on her enthusiasm. He was enjoying seeing Mya once again excited about their hometown.
    She wasn’t the only one who was excited. The history buff in him was still reeling from this discovery.
    Just yesterday Corey had been 100 percent on board with the potential construction of a national retail chain on Main Street, but this new discovery changed everything. If it turned out that Gauthier had indeed been a stop on the Underground Railroad, history buffs like himself would flock here. And making sure the downtown area maintained the essence of an authentic Main Street U.S.A. would be critical to the town’s appeal as a tourist destination. A big-box retail store no longer fit into the equation.
    As stoked as Corey was about their finding, he was just as excited that he had been part of the team who’d discovered it. It was that part of him that was still aching to show the people in Gauthier that he’d changed from being the bad boy that used to wreak havoc with his brothers.
    “We’re going to need to get in touch with the rest of the civic association,” Mya said. “This changes the focus of the celebration. We need to make this about playing up the history of Gauthier.”
    “Don’t worry about that now,” Corey said. He reached out and captured her arm, stalling her back-and-forth march.
    She looked down at where he held her arm, then trailed her gaze to his face.
    “You’re going to wear a hole in the carpet,” Corey told her.
    Mya blew out a weary breath. “I’m sorry. I can’t control myself when I’m excited.”
    “Just calm down,” Corey said, bringing his other hand up to cover her arm. He rubbed her soft skin. “Let’s take a minute to just enjoy what we’ve discovered, then we can figure out where to go from here. Sound good?”
    She sucked in another deep breath and nodded, but the calm didn’t last long. Excitement had her eyes lighting up like fireworks. “This is really cool, isn’t it? I mean, you being a history teacher and all, you should know.”
    “It’s very cool,” he assured her, squeezing her upper arm. “If this discovery pans out, this may turn out to be the biggest thing to happen to Gauthier in over a century.”
    A comfortable stretch of time passed as they continued to stare into each other’s eyes. Mya’s eyes took on a smoky quality as she gazed up at him.
    “We always did make a good team,” she said, her voice husky.
    “Always,” he agreed. He lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers.
    “Corey,” she whispered against his lips. But it was spoken too softly to be a protest. He took it as encouragement.
    Corey bathed her lips with his tongue, back and forth, molding his mouth to hers, urging her to open for him. With excruciating sweetness her resistance relented, making way for his tongue to sweep in. He slipped an arm around her waist and settled his hand at the small of her back.
    “God, you taste good,” he whispered against her lips.
    The soft moan that rumbled deep in her throat traveled along his skin like a caress. She brought her hand up to the back of his head and held him in place.
    Corey’s body ignited with sparks of desire. They ricocheted against the walls of his chest, imprisoning his breath. He clamped his palms on Mya’s firm backside and pulled her flush against him, nearly dying at how perfectly she fit into the cove of his body. She was soft and warm and woman, smelling like spring, tasting like heaven.
    Just as he remembered.
    Corey devoured her, stroking the inside of her mouth as he recalled those long-ago

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