A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance)

A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance) by Farrah Rochon Page B

Book: A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance) by Farrah Rochon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Farrah Rochon
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moments they’d shared. The times she’d given herself fully to him, allowing him the pleasure of her sweet mouth and that succulent body that still turned him on like no other woman ever could.
    He trailed his tongue down her neck and nestled his face against her skin, breathing in the arousing scent that was all Mya.
    “Damn, I want you,” he groaned against her neck.
    She moaned, but then pulled back. “Wait. No,” she said, bringing both hands up and pushing against his chest.
    He went for her mouth again, but she pressed her fingers against his lips. “No.” She shook her head. “We can’t do this.”
    Corey’s shoulders sunk in defeat. “Why not?”
    “Because,” she said with finality.
    Based on her tone, Corey knew from experience that that was all the answer he would get. Mya disengaged from his hold and took several steps back.
    He dropped his head back and grimaced at the ceiling. “It’s just a kiss, Mya. Don’t make such a big deal out of it.”
    “It was never just a kiss with you,” she said. “Just a kiss always led to so much more.”
    Corey cocked his head to the side as he stared at her in the dim light of the room. “Would that really be so bad?” he asked. “We’re not seventeen anymore, Mya. We’re two intelligent, single, consenting adults.”
    She crossed her arms over her chest and jutted out her chin. “What makes you think I’m single?”
    The question hit his chest with the force of a hundred-mile-per-hour fastball.
    As ridiculous as it was to think she’d gone fifteen years without ever being with someone else, Corey could never stomach the thought of Mya with another man. But there was no way she was seeing anyone right now. He was certain of it. Even if she’d dated a hundred men over the years, she wouldn’t have let him get so close if she were in a relationship.
    “You never would have let me kiss you if you were attached,” he told her. “Don’t try to play me, Mya Dubois. I know you better than just about anybody, even after all these years.”
    “It doesn’t matter,” she said after a pause. “This is still a bad idea. I’m only here for a few weeks at the most.”
    “So why can’t we enjoy those few weeks? It’s better than nothing.”
    Corey closed the gap between them and trailed a finger down her forearm, feeling her flesh pebble with tiny goose bumps. He loved that his touch could still elicit such a reaction from her.
    “Tell me you haven’t been thinking about how we were together. We were damn good, Mya. You can’t deny that.”
    She rolled her shoulder slowly, pulling away from his touch.
    “And you can’t deny that it ended badly, with you breaking my heart.”
    “It was one drunken mistake, and I was seventeen years old. It was the one and only time I ever cheated on you. That I’ve ever cheated in my entire life.”
    “Once was enough,” she retorted. “Do you know how long it took me to get over you?”
    “Not as long as it took me,” Corey said, moving in closer. “Because I’m still not over you.”
    Mya’s eyelids slid shut. “Don’t say that,” she pleaded with a weary sigh.
    “It’s true, Mya. You’re not the kind of woman a man easily gets over.” Corey took the chance of reaching for her hand again. He took both between his palms and gave them a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry for the way I hurt you that night. It’s one of my biggest regrets.” Corey trailed a finger along her soft cheek. “But now that we have a second chance, why can’t we see where this leads?”
    Her entire body shuddered with the deep breath she exhaled. She watched him intently. “My good sense tells me this is a mistake,” she said.
    “Tell your good sense to mind its own business,” Corey teased.
    He could sense the war raging inside of her as her mind battled against her body’s response to him. He wanted her body to win the war. He could work on her mind later.
    “C’mon, Mya. Aren’t you the least bit curious to see

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