A Country Mouse
felt so wretched that she did not argue. She slept most of the day. She was unaware that twice Smith had arrived with messages from his master. At teatime Emily had recovered sufficiently to drink a little barley water, but still felt too nauseous to eat.
    'Your sisters' have called, twice, but the doctor said that you were to have no visitors today, apart from Lady Althea,' Jenny told her mistress. She did not mention the missives from Viscount Yardley that remained unopened on the side table. In her opinion that gentleman was more culpable then he owned.
    At dusk Emily finally felt well enough to sit up. She had an urgent need to find the commode. She rang the small brass bell her maid had placed by her bed and waited, uncomfortably, for assistance.
     Her head spun unpleasantly and she was glad to regain her bed. She noticed the unopened letters on the table and asked Jenny to hand them to her. She unfolded one and the strong black writing leapt from the paper.
    My dear Emily,
    I am devastated to find you so unwell. Last night I had no idea you had sustained a concussion. I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am. Can you ever forgive me?
    Yours affectionately,
    Frowning Emily opened the second letter. This should have been read before the other.
    Dear Emily,
    Please could you come to the rose garden at eleven o'clock, I wish to speak with you in private.
    Yours respectfully,
    Incensed she felt her head throb as the blood pulsed in waves around her body. It mattered not that the horrid brute had mistaken her for a burglar; that was no excuse, for no robber would be wearing a dress or have hair down to their waist.
    She twisted the emerald ring around her finger, tempted to tear it off and return it. Then sanity prevailed. No, she would allow the engagement to continue for the present, but the minute she was established in society the engagement ended. For however much her grandfather wished it, she was never going to tie herself of a man so steeped in drink and violence that he could mistake a woman for a burglar.
    * * * *
    'Where is it we are going this evening, Mama?'
    'The Galveston's are throwing a ball to celebrate their eldest daughter's engagement to Lord Brackley. Although it is not a fashionable time to hold such an event I am sure it will be a sad crush. The Galveston's are famous for their parties. Are you certain you are up to it, my dear?'
    Emily nodded and felt no ill effects. 'I'm fully recovered, thank you. It's high time I wore one of my grand evening gowns.'
    'Viscount Yardley is in residence, Emily, my love. I know you have not been well enough to see him but it would have been advantageous for him to escort us on your first appearance. After all, he is supposed to be your betrothed. Unfortunately he told me he does not have an invitation.'
    'I am relieved to hear it, Mama, as I have no desire to spend an evening in his company.'
    'The card states nine o'clock, but as it could take an hour for the carriage to deliver us we will leave at eight o'clock.' She glanced at the mantle clock. 'I have ordered a light repast to be served to us in our rooms at six. This will leave us ample time to complete our preparations.'
    Emily could not imagine how changing one's dress could possibly take so long. 'I have not seen the girls today; I believe I heard them returning from their excursion a moment ago. I am going to find out how they enjoyed their visit to the Tower. The lions are always a splendid sight.'
    Her supper was waiting for her when she returned to her own room. Although she was no longer suffering from a headache her appetite had not returned. She viewed the cold cuts, bread-and-butter and pickles with disfavour.
    Jenny appeared from the bedchamber. 'Oh miss, I was becoming anxious. Your bath has been waiting this past half-hour.'
    'I am coming immediately. I still have an hour before I need to be downstairs.'
    She soon discovered why her mother had suggested allowing

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