A Common Scandal

A Common Scandal by Amanda Weaver

Book: A Common Scandal by Amanda Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Weaver
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looking anything but amused.
    “Come, Mr. Batchelder!” Evelyn commanded. “We’re desperate for a little fun inside and you’re the man to provide it.”
    Tony presented her with his arm. “Enough with the ‘Mr.’ I beg you. It’s Tony, and I’m at your command, Evie.”
    Evelyn’s eyes sparkled and a hint of blush raced across her cheeks as she beamed at Tony Batchelder.
    “Very well, Tony. Let’s be off.”
    “Lead the way, my lady.”
    “Robbie,” Kitty whined, turning on her brother. “Fetch my bag out of the coach, will you? I’ve forgotten it.”
    “What do I look like, Kitty, a footman? Fetch it yourself.”
    “It’s the least you could do after crushing my skirts for the whole trip.”
    Robert Ponsoy laughed and chucked his sister under the chin before following Tony and Evelyn inside. Kitty fumed. Amelia didn’t wait around to see who she exploded at next. She scurried after her father into the house.
    A small army of servants met them in the entry hall, divesting them of coats, hats and valises. The newly arrived guests were shunted into the parlor where some earlier arrivals were already partaking of the “light refreshments” provided. A long table groaned under an impressive spread of food and drink.
    Among the guests who’d arrived earlier were Lord Hyde and Lady Julia, Lord and Lady Spalding and their son, William Thistlethwaite, and—unfortunately—Mr. Cheadle. Lord Spalding and his son, Will, were cut from the same cloth, both whip-thin and extremely tall. They both fancied expensive tailoring, although the father’s suit was a great deal more conservative than his dandified son’s. Lady Spalding, in contrast, nearly disappeared next to her impressive husband and elegant son, a birdlike woman lost in an elaborate dove-gray gown.
    “Amelia, this is a most impressive gathering,” her father murmured into her ear. “These young men are all from highly esteemed families. Show them your best, girl.”
    Amelia thought the boys all seemed like a lot of badly behaved children looking for mischief but she didn’t say so. “I always do, Papa.”
    Her squeezed her elbow before turning away and inserting himself into a conversation with Lord Spalding, standing by the fireplace. Amelia suspected she wouldn’t see him again during this party outside of mealtimes. She’d taken no more than two steps toward the refreshment table when Mr. Cheadle descended on her.
    “My dear Miss Wheeler! You’ve arrived at last!”
    “It’s only half past two.”
    “Time seemed to have stopped as I waited.”
    She rolled her eyes. “With all these fine people to talk to? It’s a wonder you even noticed my absence. Especially as we’ve only just met.” She added that last bit to remind him to observe some standards of decorum, but he missed the hint, sidling closer to her and refusing to release her hand, clutching it in both of his.
    “I know our acquaintance has been brief, but I feel I know you so well already.”
    “Is that so? Remarkable.” She tugged on her hand but his grip was most determined.
    “And now we’ll be in such close company for the next week, perhaps you’ll come to know me just as well.”
    His voice dropped and he leaned into her, giving her a meaningful look. Amelia finally peeled her hand free of his and took a step back. “I suppose I might. Do you mind excusing me, Mr. Cheadle? I’m positively parched from the journey. I thought I might step over there and—”
    “Oh, no, you must allow me!”
    Ignoring him, she moved away toward the refreshments table, but Cheadle dogged her steps, insisting on fetching a glass of lemonade for her. She was trying to sort out how she’d extricate herself from him when Lady Julia materialized at her side. “Miss Wheeler, I’m so glad you’ve come. Hello again, Mr. Cheadle.”
    To her surprise, Lady Julia sounded entirely genuine. Amelia forced herself to smile at her. Cheadle gave Julia the same forced, too-familiar smile

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