A Case For Trust

A Case For Trust by Gracie MacGregor

Book: A Case For Trust by Gracie MacGregor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gracie MacGregor
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approached them. Eleanor took one of Pippa’s hands between her own and squeezed it gently. ‘Of course. I kept you in the sun too long. Thank you for coming. I look forward to seeing you again soon.’
    Pippa said her goodbyes, received a brief hug from Justin under his brother’s frosty glare and hurried to her ute. Heart heavy, she forced herself to think of other things; to not replay the scene in the Mason home over and over; to not allow herself to feel again the thrill of being in Matt’s presence, a strange blend of apprehension, anticipation, desire and regret; to not worry if her gardening contract with Eleanor, so important to the future of her business, was still possible.
    There was no point worrying about it. If Matt had anything to do with it, she’d never see Eleanor or any other member of his family again.
    â€˜What’s going on, Matt?’
    He knew he hadn’t avoided the sharp gaze of his mother; knew the questions would have to be answered. From the moment he’d walked in and stopped dead at the sight of that treacherous bitch curled up in his brother’s arms, Eleanor had been watching him. She knew him too well, read him too easily. He was a master at controlling his expressions—his profession demanded it—but somehow Eleanor always knew when he was angry or upset. He’d escaped to the kitchen, ostensibly to stack the dishwasher, but she’d followed him like a terrier after a rabbit. At least she’d waited until Georgia and Marissa had left to commence the inquisition. Still, he prevaricated.
    â€˜The merger between the two insurance companies I told you about is taking up quite a bit of time. The securities commission is sniffing around it because—’
    â€˜Matthew, you know that’s not what I meant. What’s going on with you and Justin? And Philippa?’
    Matt bit back a sigh of frustration. ‘Leave it alone, Eleanor. I’m sorting it out. He might have invited her here to dinner, but there’s no future for Justin and Philippa and the faster they both work that out the better.’
    â€˜Justin didn’t invite Philippa to dinner. I did.’
    Matt stared at his mother as if she’d gone mad. ‘ You did? How the hell did you come to be inviting her to dinner? How the hell do you even know her?’
    Her eldest son’s angry incredulity didn’t intimidate Eleanor in the slightest. She finished rinsing the coffeepot and left it to drain before turning to face him.
    â€˜I saw her work at the kindergarten. She did a wonderful job there, and I’ve commissioned her to makeover the garden here.’
    â€˜No way. There’s no bloody way that woman is going to be working here on our garden.’
    â€˜Matthew, this is your home and it always will be. But it’s my house. And I’ll decide what work is done here, and by whom.’
    â€˜For god’s sake!’ Matt thrust his hand through his hair in frustration. ‘I’m spending half my waking hours trying to keep Philippa Lloyd away from your middle son so he can patch things up with Lucy. You can see he’s interested in Philippa; why would you give her entree to the house and our family?’
    â€˜Is that what I’m doing? I thought all I’d done was offer her a work contract.’
    â€˜But can’t you see? She’s going to be under Justin’s nose for weeks, with her butter-wouldn’t-melt face and her skimpy little singlets and those horrendous boots. Can’t you see she’s wrangling her way in here? She’s doing everything she can to set herself up as the next Mrs Mason, and you’re aiding and abetting her.’
    â€˜Matthew, you need to calm down. And stop using that lawyer language on me. I didn’t even know Justin and Philippa had met until Justin came home this evening. I hadn’t made the connection between Philippa the marriage celebrant and Philippa

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