A Blessing for Miriam

A Blessing for Miriam by Jerry S. Eicher

Book: A Blessing for Miriam by Jerry S. Eicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry S. Eicher
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whisper. A moment later she repeated the prayer when she walked in with the other unmarried women and caught sight of Ivan seated among the married men. He had grown a nice beard since she’d seen him last. He was more handsome than ever. No wonder she’d fallen for the man! And also no wonder Laura had made such an effort to capture his heart. Miriam didn’t have beauty on her side, and character didn’t always trump looks. She knew that by personal experience.
    Miriam took her seat on a backless bench as thoughts continued to rush through her mind. This was exactly why she hadn’t wanted to see Ivan until she was safely married to Wayne. He was a reminder of her deficiencies and of her inability to keep a man’s attention. But Wayne wasn’t Ivan, Miriam reminded herself. Wayne was a perfect gentleman when she told him about the money, and he wasn’t affected by it at all—like Ivan had been.
    Miriam breathed deeply as the songs began. She caught Ivan’s eyes on her soon afterward and managed a decent smile in return.He nodded and smiled back. All was forgiven, Miriam told herself. She didn’t hold any bitterness against him, and he obviously felt the same. The past was the past, and there was no reason things should repeat themselves. She was going to trust Wayne. He might smile at Esther today, as she had smiled at Ivan, and Wayne’s reasons would be just as pure as hers. His heart was knit to hers in love, and nothing would change that.
    The songs continued, and the ministers soon came back from their meeting upstairs to begin their sermons. Miriam tried to focus as Bishop Wagler got up to speak, but all she could see in the bishop’s face were the expressions he would have when Wayne came and they asked to be married in October. The bishop would be sober-faced like he was right now, but there would also be a twinkle in his eye. The bishop would be so pleased when he read the letter Wayne would bring from Bishop Wengerd in Oklahoma. The letter would attest to Wayne’s sterling character and gut standing in the Oklahoma Amish community and church. After Shirley’s wild troubles, Bishop Wagler would be glad that the first of Eli Yoder’s girls had settled down so well.
    And in October the bishop would preside as Wayne and she exchanged the sacred wedding vows. His face would be even more sober and the twinkle would be gone because marriage vows were a most serious matter. One could never undo them once they were said. And she would never want to—and neither would Wayne. A soft smile drifted across Miriam’s face. She could imagine how scared her yahs would sound in answer to the bishop’s questions. But she would still be married, scared or not.
    Miriam sat up straight as she caught Ivan’s eyes on her again. He’d wonder why she was smiling at the bishop. Well, he’d think what he wanted. She hadn’t been left out in the cold when Ivan had picked Laura over her. She would soon be married to a man of much better character than Ivan Mast possessed.

Chapter Thirteen

    O n Friday evening of the following week, the late-afternoon sun filled the kitchen as Shirley prepared supper for the family. With Miriam now on her way back to Oklahoma and Shirley up and around, fixing supper had fallen to her. She’d decided she would go out tonight with Lee and Mark even with her face the way it was. She couldn’t stand a moment more in this house with the constant sympathetic looks from Mamm and the rest of the family. Well, all except Daett . They tried to cheer her up with empty words like “looks aren’t everything,” but such statements were like slaps across the face. Better to be out with the rumspringa crowd, she thought. At least they would speak the truth. Likely, they’d groan out loud at her condition. Yah , she’d feel the full pain of those groans, but at least they were evidence of what she already knew. Her hopes for a happy life with a gut husband who would think she was beautiful were

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