3 Heads & a Tail

3 Heads & a Tail by Vickie Johnstone

Book: 3 Heads & a Tail by Vickie Johnstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vickie Johnstone
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looks l ike an animal person. I imagine she is kind. At least I ' m being dog- napped by someone who likes animals!
    “ Do y ou have the papers? ” David nods and hands them to her. She looked them over, smiles and hands them back. “ They l ook good to me. I didn ' t realise his dad was a Crufts Cha mpion. I ' m impressed. ”
    Neither did I. A champion? Wow! Talk about big wow! I ' m pedigree! I ' m posh! I bask in my glory. “ Voof. ”
    They glance down at my woof. I lick my chops .
    “ Let ' s go. My Mimi will be waiting, ” says the lady who revealed my history, stepping back into the driver ' s seat.
    Mimi? What kind of name is that? Is it a poodle ' s? I hope not. Still basking in the glow of my wonderful heritage , I let David put me on the back seat with no complaint. He opens the window and I stick my head out. Air please! My tongue slips out and I lap the fresh air. Then the car moves and I gulp as m y tummy does a weird dance.
    A short drive later – we could have walked it really – we arriv e at a big house. It ' s huge, much bigger than the one we live in. The garden in front is really big too, with huge rose bushes , smelling nice . Pairs of t all trees walk up to the front door and we wander in between them. I l ook around, amazed, wondering what it would be like to live here. Inside , the place i s grand. Vo ofing big! H uge! V oofing huge! I ' ve n eve r seen anything like it, but it seems we ' re not staying.
    “ Let ' s go in to the garden, ” says the lady . “ It ' s a messy business and I don ' t want to get anything horrid on the furniture! ”
    What ' s she talking about? Who knows? I pad behind them into the garden. G arde n? I t ' s more like a field. It ' s massive. I ' d never have to go walkies if I lived here. It ' s a voofing park!
    The lady beckons us to follow her to a wooden , hut-like thing. “ We ' ll do this in the shed! ”
    In there? I ' d have thought we ' d at least have a nice dog gy bed , or even a floor with a carpet or a nice rug, b ut a shed? I can ' t help it, I whine . I don ' t like bare, wooden floors. They ' re cold on my bum. I want to go home.
    “ Come on Glen, it ' s not so bad, ” says The Big gest Tosser in the World . He ' s actually grinning.
    Visions of biting – to the bone.
    David smirks . I hold my cool and pad into the shed behind the lady . I guess she doesn ' t realise how awful the environment is that she ' s chosen f or this... well... activity. It ' s all so ... beneath me! I ' m posh after all – I ' ve got important parents !
    “ This is Mimi, ” says the lady , getting excited, as if she ' s arranging a date. “ Mimi , honey , this is Glen. He ' s t he offspring of a Crufts Champion. ”
    A soft whine emerges from the shadowy back o f the shed and a small L abrador steps forward into the light – a perfectly formed, very golden L abrador.
    “ You! ” I whine .
    “ You! ” she whines back .
    I can ' t believe my eyes! M y perfect dream from th e park! Miss Posh Lab! Miss doggy - baby! My tongue hangs out in shock. I suck it back in quickly before I look a total idiot mutt .
    “ I ' ve seen you in the park! ”
    “ I ' ve seen you too, ” she says , her eyes wide with surprise. She has really long lashes and lovely ears. Her nose i s a little wet, but not too wet, h er eyes big and brown.
    I realise I ' d taken too long to reply ' cos I ' m just gaping at her . “ Voof ! S orry , I ' m just so surprised. I have to tell you, t his isn ' t my idea! ”
    “ Nor mine! ” she says . “ Apparently you r dad i s a Crufts Champion, so my owner picked you! ”
    “ I had no idea, I just found out myself. I know nothing about my parents. ”
    “ Really? ” she asked, her eyes widening and then softening. “ That ' s sad. ”
    “ I know, ” I reply , milking the moment a little. I could stare into her big brown eyes forever. Snap out of it, I tell myself, but I can ' t . My tail is wagging like it never wagged before. I think my

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