3 Heads & a Tail

3 Heads & a Tail by Vickie Johnstone Page A

Book: 3 Heads & a Tail by Vickie Johnstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vickie Johnstone
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bum may go flying off with the momentum! If it does, I hope it hit s David smack in the face!
    “ Do you think they hate each other? ” asks the lady standing behind us . “ They are doing a lot of barking and whining ... I ' m not sure if this was a good idea. Mimi looks scared. ”
    “ Maybe they will quiet en down, ” replies Tosser, as if he kno w s anything about dogs. “ Maybe they are getting to know each other. ” Weirdly, he ' s spot on there.
    “ I didn ' t think you even noticed me in the park, ” says Mimi, shyly.
    “ Are you kidding?! I notice you every time you ' re there. I t brightens my day. I thought you didn ' t notice me! ”
    “ But I did! ” S he gives me a big doggy grin . “ I did, but I was with the dog walker and she doesn ' t slow down. I couldn ' t stop really. But I did see you... especially when you flew into that tree! ”
    I cringe. “ Voof! V oof! You saw that? No! T hat ' s so doggy emba rrassing! ”
    “ But it w as so funny! ” she replies . “ I thought you looked cute! I wanted to find out if you were alright , but the next time I saw you, you looked well. ”
    “ Thanks. ”
    She is so cute herself. This is a dream come true. She noticed me! She ' s talking to me! But the circumstances! I plummet straight b ack down to Earth. What to do? I can ' t go through with this! I want to get to know her , take things slowly. I ' m not a hello ma ' am, bam, thank you kind of dog. And s he is perfection.
    “ Glen! ” says David, sternly.
    I turn round and Mimi turns at the same time. We look at each other and then at the two humans. I can ' t do this. “ Don ' t wo rry, ” I say . “ I have a plan , but next time I ' m in the park can I talk to you? ”
    She smiles. “ If y ou don ' t, I will be voofing angry! My name is Mimi. ”
    My tummy wobbles and I smile back. “ I ' m Glen. ”
    Then I pretend to have a very big fit. I ' m b arking, spinning, jumpi ng, making weird whining noises and then I try to hump the lady ' s leg. That does it. It works. David and me are sent packing. I wink at Mimi on the way out. What a day! What a dog! What a beaut! Life was beautiful. Suddenly I feel I can fly and I look up with happiness at the pigeons. Well, maybe that ' s an ambition too far! It just shows you never know how a day is going to turn out.

Chapter 22
    “ Walkies , Glen! ” yelled B en. He hadn ' t lifted the dog lead off the hook before the golden Labrador was by h is side, looking up with his dopey eyes.
    “ Wow, you ' re keen today! ” observed Ben, clipping his lead on.
    Josie appeared at the top of the stairs. “ Are you taking Glen for a walk? ”
    Ben looked up. Well, obviously! B ut then he thought he needed to get over it and be polite. “ Yes , I am. ”
    “ Do you mind if I come? ” asked Josie. “ I could do with some fresh air. I ' ve been working on a story for my magazine and it ' s going nowhere. ”
    Going nowhere – I know the feeling, thought Ben. “ Yeah sure, ” he said, as coo l ly as he could manage.
    “ Great, I ' ll just gr ab my bag! ”
    “ Looks like we have company, ” he said, stroking Glen ' s head.
    The dog grinned with his tongue out, his brown eyes shining. Ben studied him. “ You seem pretty happy lately... h appier than usual. Whatever you ' re on, boy, I want some of it. ”
    Glen stared back happily.
    “ If only you could understand what I ' m saying, ” said Ben with a sigh . “ I bet you ' d be really good at giving me advice. You ' re probably the only one who really knows me. ”
    Glen stared back. Ben looked at his blank , happy face and patted him on the head . The dog whined a little.
    Josie hopped down the stairs. Glen jumped up, wagging his tail, and she gave him a big hug . “ Hey , Mr Softy , h ow are you today ? ”
    Ben opened the f ront door and they emerged into the dayligh t. The brightness made them blink as they trotted down the steps and towards the park. All three were in their element around

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