3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series)

3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series) by Laurie Roma Page A

Book: 3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series) by Laurie Roma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Roma
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Paranormal, Military, Angels
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I don’t think we can do it.”
    “Fine,” Orion growled. “Take him to
Adric M’Dor. He can take him home, since there is no way I’m letting him on our
vessel after what he did to my keeper.”
    “I will do that, but first, I think
we’ll stop at medical,” Ivan said. He gave them a small bow of his head. “I
will also ask Adric to take me home so you can have time alone with your keeper.”
    They watched as Ivan helped the
security guards carry Lorn to the elevator. When they were gone, Morgan said, “Let’s
go home.”
    Orion nodded. “Yes, I want to examine
every inch of you as soon as we are back in our suite. I have to make sure he
didn’t hurt you.”
    “No.” Morgan wrapped her arms around
his neck and smiled. “I meant, I want to leave here in the morning. I don’t
want to wait a few more days. Let’s go home so we really start our life
    Blaiz grinned. “If we get the ship
ready tonight, we’ll be ready to go by morning.”
    Daven let out a whoop of joy. “Let’s
take care of it right now.”
    As they hurried off, Morgan laughed.
“Well, I guess they’re okay with the idea.”
    Orion brushed his lips against hers. “I’m
happy to leave tomorrow. But I still want to examine you for injuries right
now, Morgan.”
    “And I’m going to enjoy every minute of

    The D’Aire home world was a magical
    Morgan was in awe as she stared out of
the shuttle at the planet in front of her. When she was in the Academy, she had
learned about the D’Aire home world, but she hadn’t expected to fall in love
with it the moment she actually saw it.
    Because the air density was different
then other planets, the world was made up of floating isles that were grouped
into clusters. Some of the isles were big enough to house hundreds of D’Aire,
while others were only big enough for one or two dwellings. The planet was larger
than Earth, yet there were many miles between the island clusters, so it made
the world seem infinitely bigger.
    Anticipation made Morgan’s heart beat
faster as their vessel flew toward the planet. Blaiz and Daven were currently
in the control room, leaving Morgan and Orion in the lounge alone. She was
sitting on his lap, curled into him with her head resting on his shoulder as
she stared out of the window.
    “We are almost home, keeper. It should
only be an hour until we land.”
    “Home…that sounds wonderful.” She hadn’t felt like she’d had a real
home since she’d lost her parents and the crew of their ship when she was
young. But now she had Orion, and wherever he was would be the place she called
    “Any regrets?”
    She lifted her head so she could kiss
him. “Not a single one. I’m a little nervous about meeting your brother,
though. But besides that, I’m just really excited.”
    “Don’t worry, my love. Raiden and our
entire clan will love you.”
    Morgan sure hoped so. Raiden wasn’t
just Orion’s brother, he was the leader of their clan, and the person the
entire isle came to for guidance. Even if he didn’t like her, nothing would
keep her from being with Orion. He’d just have to deal with her.
    He chuckled softly as he hugged her
closer. “You do not need to form a battle plan to get along with my
    She sighed. “I know…I’m just being
bitchy. It’s the nerves. I’m sure he and I are going to get along just fine.
And if we don’t, I can just avoid him.”
    He kissed her on the forehead, and
stroked a hand up and down her arm. “Morgan, you are worrying for nothing.
Trust me.”
    Morgan knew she was being irrational,
but she couldn’t help it. She did trust Orion…implicitly. Her trust in him was
what made it easy to walk away from her old life. It had been difficult to say
goodbye to her friends on X21, but it was a small price to pay to be with the
love of her life.
    Orion leaned down to kiss Morgan, but
he was interrupted when his wrist unit beeped. He looked at the display

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