2040 Revelations

2040 Revelations by Robert Storey

Book: 2040 Revelations by Robert Storey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Storey
that would be, but since Steiner didn’t appear to be in the mood to elaborate, he didn’t question it. ‘Thank you, Professor, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. If there’s anything I can do for you just let me know.’
    ‘No need, but thank you for the offer all the same. I have great admiration for you, Richard; I think of you as a friend rather than a colleague and friends help each other out and require nothing in return.’
    Goodwin thanked him again and got up to leave, just as there was a knock on the door.
    Nathan Bryant entered at the professor’s behest.
    ‘Richard, it’s been a while,’ Nathan said, briefly shaking his hand as they passed each other. Goodwin smiled and continued on his way; Nathan, seemingly too busy to chat, had already taken the chair recently vacated by Goodwin. That was fine by him as he felt exhausted himself now; he planned to have a long bath and good night’s sleep to ease his tired muscles. A short while later he reached his apartment to find two suited men standing guard outside his door, their chiselled physiques and holstered sidearms out of place in the residential neighbourhood. Steiner had been as good as his word. Goodwin spoke to them briefly and then retired to recuperate for the following day.
    Steiner sat at his desk across from Nathan as they discussed his options and the new information he had gained from his source. He didn’t disclose Ellwood’s name as he didn’t want to put Nathan’s position in jeopardy, even though the younger man pushed for it, saying he didn’t mind taking the risk. Steiner also didn’t want to betray Selena’s trust in him; it was bad enough that he was using her secret for leverage, he wouldn’t tell another and lower himself further. Of course his actions weren’t completely altruistic as, while he hadn’t wanted to blackmail Ellwood, he had and he knew he’d prefer not to publicise such a shameful act, even though in actuality he hadn’t a clue what had occurred with Amy Adams and nor did he want to know.
    ‘So there is only one route to take,’ Steiner said, after they had weighed up all the options in their entirety.
    ‘It’s going to be hard to swing it,’ Nathan said, ‘especially if the Joint Chiefs are behind this for whatever reason.’
    Steiner knew he was right, but it was beside the point. ‘What can they do? If we mobilise and turn up on their doorstep they won’t be able to turn us away as it may expose us all. They’d have no choice but to comply.’
    ‘It’s high risk; what if word got out?’
    ‘It won’t make any difference in the longer term,’ Steiner said, his expression grim, ‘it will merely make their life a lot harder overnight and we could just take our chances later on.’
    ‘I would advise against it, Professor.’
    ‘Duly noted,’ Steiner said, indicating an end to the matter. Steiner had hoped for Nathan’s full support, but it seemed he was to be disappointed. He’d have to go it alone on this one. On my head be it , he thought. It was the right thing to do, he knew it; he wasn’t sure of Nathan’s reasons to decide otherwise, but that was his prerogative. Now he must begin preparations, plus he would sort out Samson for Goodwin. His anger swelled again at the thought of someone threatening his friend’s life.
    The next day Steiner made his way to Steadfast’s military quarter. Once at the appropriate barracks, a guard informed him Samson conducted exercises for his men in a nearby training ground. Steiner had brought his last remaining bodyguard along with his aides as a matter of course. Hopefully this would deter Samson, who sounded like he could be borderline insane, from chopping Steiner down in front of witnesses. I can’t afford to die at the moment , he thought to himself with more than a little sardonic humour.
    ‘I’d like to speak with the colonel, please,’ Steiner told one of Samson’s troops, who lounged at the

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