Defying Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 3)

Defying Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 3) by Shelly Morgan

Book: Defying Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 3) by Shelly Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Morgan
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question him and I didn’t ask if we should bring the girl along with us. How would we support ourselves, let alone another kid? So we just left her there, left her alone in that house with that monster to fend for herself.”
    I have no idea what to say to that. To be honest, I probably would have done the same thing. When you’re that young, you shouldn’t even have to worry about taking care of yourself, let alone another child. Shit, you’re a child yourself!
    “Hendrix dropped out of school and got three different jobs. We found a one-bedroom apartment an hour away from where the foster home was and that’s where we stayed until I graduated high school. He said that I needed to stay in school—I argued that I could get a job too, help with the bills, but he wouldn’t have it. Said I needed an education so I could better my life. So I didn’t question him; I just did what he said. I let him work himself to the bone. I knew it was hard on him and I told him every day that I loved him and that when I graduated, I’d get a good job and it would be my turn to take care of him . He just smiled and said, ‘I know, Princess.’ But that day never came, and it never will now. When I graduated, he told me to go off and find a job I loved. Once I had a place set up for myself, he’d follow. I begged him to come with me, but he said he had things to finish there, but as soon as things on my end were solid, he’d find me.”
    By now, she’s stopped and just stares out the window. I want to go to her, but I worry it will be too much for her. After everything she went through, would I push her too far by taking her in my arms? Fuck it. I need to hold her and she needs it too. If she breaks, I’ll hold her together. I’ll be her rock, the person to lift her back up.
    Getting up quietly, I walk across the room and wrap my arms around her from behind. “Then what happened?” I ask after I feel her relax into my embrace.
    “I got too busy in my own life. I moved around a lot, looking for the right place to call home. I didn’t forget about him, I swear I didn’t. I called him at least once a week and told him that I was close to finding a place and a good job. He would just tell me that he was fine and that he had almost everything in place there as well. I don’t know what things he had to take care of, and I never asked, but I figured it was just tying up loose ends at his jobs and getting rid of that apartment.”
    “Then, when I came here, I knew I’d found the place, but I wanted to wait till I had enough money to get out of the crappy apartment I was in and get something bigger for me and him to share. I was almost there too, so I didn’t call him for a few weeks, thinking I’d call him when I had everything in place and could tell him the good news. But before I could, I got the phone call from the hospital, telling me that my brother was dead. I didn’t believe them at first, but then it sank in. Hendrix was dead and it was all my fault. I should have pushed more for him to come with me right away. I should have done more to find a job and place sooner; I should have worked harder. I should have—” She lets loose a sob.
    “And now he’s g-gone. How could he leave me here all alone? How could he think that I’d be okay without him? Why? Why did he leave?” She’s full on crying now but there’s no anger in her outburst. It’s all sadness, pain, and regret.
    Taking her in my arms, I walk us over to the bed and lay her down beside me, making sure I never let her go in the process. “It’s going to be okay. I know it doesn’t seem that way, but I promise, it will get better. I’m here, we’re all here for you, Harlow. Let us help you carry this burden. Let us be there for you,” I whisper into her hair, but I know she hears me when I feel her nod. I feel her finally lose the fight to herself and accept that she doesn’t have to be alone, that we are here for her.
    Minutes later, I feel her

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