and again they could not be trusted.
                Akrim's words echoed in his ears . You cannot take her with you when you pass over.
                But what if...
                I understand I cannot bring her with me to my second life. But what if I choose to depart my second life, and return to her?
                The gerons appeared confused. They traded questioning looks with each other before turning back to him. What do you mean by returning to her?
                Exactly what I said. What if I denounce my second life, and choose to spend it with her?
                You mean, with the humans? Among the humans?
                Zonaton, you will have no power in your second life, Akrim reminded him.
                So I have been told.
                You will be a weakling. Wingless. Formless.
                Zonaton. The First Elder stepped closer. Once you go to your second life, you will have no memory of her. You will be renewed.
                Zonaton clenched his fists. He knew that, too. He knew what to expect in his second life. All gerons were taught what could and will occur after they died. He knew he would change, and how much.
                Zonaton. Akrim moved closer until their bodies nearly touched. We know how deeply you care for this human. It happens between all Pairs.
                Not like this, he argued. I love her.
                Love is a human emotion , the other Elder snapped.
                Then it must be a disease I've caught from her, Zonaton barked back . I love her, and I cannot stop, or slow down, or ignore this emotion. I cannot leave her. I gave her my word.
                Neither can you stop, slow down, or ignore the inevitable , Akrim gently reminded him. You will die. You will be reborn into your new life, with no knowledge of your past life with us, or with her.
                But I will know what I used to be, Zonaton stated.
                From what we have learned in the past, that is true, Akrim acknowledged. But once you are reborn, the details of the life you once led will be permanently erased from your mind.
                Zonaton turned and took a few steps away from the Elders. With his back to them, he lowered his head. How much longer do you think I have left?
                Six cologs. At least six, but no more.
                Six cologs. Roughly six days. Zonaton closed his eyes as he felt his heart tearing apart. I am going to tell Emmala.
                Zonaton, you cannot reveal to her any information about your second life.
                It was an order. An order he was not allowed to argue or refuse.
                But he had to.
                An earlier thought came to him. His mental reminder to himself.
                I have been keeping a close watch on the miners. Something is not right with them.  I cannot explain why or how, but it is enough to raise my level of concern.
                Akrim tilted his head. Explain.
                For one, I have not seen any activity coming from the aliens, although they have been here now for several days. There is no evidence of rock sampling. No exploration. Nothing. Their tracks do not go beyond a few meters from their ship. He gave his head a shake to show his distress. Furthermore, their ship...
                What about their ship?
                I do not believe it is a mining ship.
                What makes you believe that?
                Its configuration. From above, it appears to be divided into sections, as though it is actually several smaller ships joined to form a larger whole.
                The concern in the Elders' eyes was noticeable. Thank you for bringing us that knowledge. We will continue to keep a

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