that you may not have been aware of them because of your involvement with the human. Or, if you are aware of them, we thought you have either denied them or ignored them. That is why we called you here. To see if you are aware, and if not, to notify you so that you have enough time to make your final plans.
                Zonaton stood straighter. Fear made his inner muscles tremble. Tell me what signs you have observed that I have missed. He knew his voice would betray his rising panic, and make it seem as if he was trying to order the Elders about. But it couldn't be helped. Furthermore, he had a sneaking suspicion about the Elders' motive in telling him. He knew their concern about the Paired had escalated ever since Emmala's parents accused him of attacking the mother. He could only thank the heavens that they could not read his mind. Otherwise, they would know of his attraction to her, and that could cause indescribable problems. Tell me that you have not called me here to tell me of my upcoming death because it will mean the end of my Pairing with Emmala.
                The Elder gerons paused, and their hesitation was the true answer.
                You are looking for a way to separate me from Emmala. He did not hold back his anger in the accusation. You have been negative about our Pairing since its inception because you are afraid of the humans!
                We do not fear the humans. We are afraid of what our future will be if the humans break their barriers and travel to the other side of the planet. If they manage to discover our other lives—
                What if they do?
                One of the oldest gerons limped forward to face Zonaton. You knew you were taking a huge risk Pairing with the human female at your advanced age. You knew there was the chance you could pass over before her own death.
                That I did, Akrim. But humans would not understand about our passing. They do not have a second life. They have only the one, short as it is, compared to ours.
                Laying a hand on Zonaton's shoulder, Akrim's lavender eyes bespoke of his pity and sorrow. Then you know you cannot take her with you when you pass over.
                Although he had known it, Zonaton had never said it aloud, or even dwelled on it. It was too painful to consider, too heartbreaking to accept. Drooping his head, he sighed. I am aware of that. I have been aware of that for quite some time.
                Eventually, once you are gone, she will have to return to her own people.
                His head jerked up. No.
                Zonaton, she cannot survive up in the mountains alone.
                And I said no! I will not allow those humans to treat her with such callous disregard again. I promised her I would protect her.
                For the rest of your days, Akrim acknowledged. Unfortunately, you are reaching that point when you will have no choice but to abandon her.
                No! I will find a way. I made a promise, and I intend to keep it . An errant thought passed through his mind. Perhaps another geron will Pair with her. It was not an idea he liked, but anything would be better than having Emmala returned to her mother.
                That is not possible , the First Elder argued.
                Why not?
                No one will want her, considering the trouble already being instigated throughout the villages.
                Then perhaps another Paired geron will take her. He knew he was grasping at air. Once he left this life, Emmala would have no other choice but to return to her own kind. Her own kind. Zonaton winced. Her kind was not kind. Nor were they patient, understanding, or generous. Yes, they touted they had all of those virtues, and swore they upheld them, but by their actions alone the humans had proven time

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