Zero 'g'
some time and
determine what he needed to make it happen. He then went floating
away from the others to the opposite side of the house in search of
the objects he would need to create the rings. He floated his way
down to the basement, which was no easy task. He managed to find
some steel and a very long copper wire. He put everything under his
arm and made his way back up to the room where his friends were.
They were elated to see his discoveries, and he started right away
to build what Carly asked for.
    Both Henry and Carly sat there and watched as Linus worked
his magic. Carly was confident that with her idea in the
works , Earth was going to get
back its gravity. She did have one fear, however; she feared that
all the people who were outside floating would eventually die
because they were all going to fall on the ground with full force
once gravity was back. The thought actually sickened her. She
didn’t want to be the cause of more deaths, but she didn’t have any
other choice. What was worse was the thought that Rose and Annette
might also be outside floating around. Could she possibly end up
killing her own family? She couldn’t bear the thought, but she
couldn’t give up the chance of saving the world because she hoped
that her plan would save them, too. So, Carly wanted to do
something about that possibility and decided to share her fear with
the two boys.
    “ Henry , take this,” she
said as she removed her space suit.
    “ Are you sure you want to
do this?”
    “ Yes , I need to see if
there is a way to prevent people from falling to their death. I
have to try.” She handed the suit to Henry and asked Henry to help
out Linus.
    “ I will be back
    She took David and headed out the bedroom door to find a
solution. She and David made their way to the front door and opened
it. She was in awe of all the destruction that had happened since
the last time they had all been outside. To her
amazement , the Statue of
Liberty floated right in front of her eyes.
    “ Wow, Toto , I don’t
think we are in Washington anymore.”
    David giggled beside her. Carly couldn’t believe what she
was seeing in front of her. It was truly
Armageddon , and she prayed
that everything really was going to be all right. She didn’t want
anyone she cared about to die, and she had no idea what was going
to happen next.
    She was totally amazed at what she was
seeing , the total destruction
of the world. And why? Because people decided to play God and
disturb nature. Disturb it? They had angered it. If Earth started
rotating now, then all these people who were floating would hit one
another and different buildings and die. As she was staring off
into the destruction around her, Carly got an idea. If they could
increase the mass instantly there, then they could themselves
become a gravity generator. Brilliant. She smiled.
    The Statue of Liberty …yes, that made sense.
    The Statue of Liberty
itself would be a heavy enough mass that a human chain could cover
it. Once they did that, then the mass of the Statue of Liberty and
the mass of the humans would, in theory, make the Statue of Liberty
come back to the ground. It would stay on the ground at least until
Earth’s natural gravity came back so that at least some people
could be saved from certain death.
    Carly had to ponder the mechanics of her idea to see if
it were really plausible. If
they were to make a human chain, they would all have to hug the
Statue of Liberty from top to bottom. They would have to go layer
upon layer until it was covered and possibly even have people on
top of people to weigh it down. One layer of the human chain would
hug the Statue of Liberty and then a new layer of humans would
start to hug the first layer. They would continue to hug one
another, layer by layer, until as many people as possible could be
saved. They could possibly have three or four layers of humans
before the weight would be too heavy for the original layer of
people. She didn’t

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