Zectas Volume III: Malediction of Veneficatl Valley

The Flame Knight nodded. The Light Wizard, Baldaquin, inscribed a casting circle inside the cave. Virer didn't allow the Halflings to step out without getting tested.

When Baldaquin finished the casting circle, he asked the two men in question to step inside it. The elderly Light Wizard then placed his hands on the casting circle and said.

"Just a reminder, there are consequences if you don't answer a yes or a no. Now, let's begin."

Then, the casting circle of truth was engulfed in a bright white light.

"Do you have any hidden agenda towards Mamelon and her men?"

"No, of course not. We're just happy that she helped people that she didn't know."

As soon as Earat finished his answer the casting circle of truth turned green, but an electric bolt attacked the two men inside. They were electrocuted for 10,000 damage points each.

Virer and Courant laughed hard. They always amused themselves with the people who couldn't follow Baldaquin's instruction. Partly because they were once victims themselves.

The elderly Light Wizard's wrinkles contracted. Mamelon clearly heard his irritation as he reminded Earat and Louche once more.

"Tsk. Like I said, limit your answers to yes or no. Do you understand?"

Both of them answered. "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

This time, the casting circle of truth turned green without the electric shocks.

Baldaquin proceeded to ask more questions about their identities and intentions. All of which they passed with green colors. He nodded at Mamelon which meant that they passed his questions, but Virer had one last question for them.

"Do you know anything about Smoke's guild?"

Both Earat and Louche looked at each other and answered at the same time.

"Smoke? The famous DarkElf? I didn't know he had a guild."

Earat answered which made the casting circle of truth, lit up with green electricity and electrocuted them for one last time.

As both of them passed Baldaquin's questions, Mamelon agreed to go with them to Ennui village.

They only traveled for an hour to get to a barren land with hundreds of excavated holes. She observed that there were pickaxes and carts full of dirt near the holes.

Ten more minutes and they saw a settlement with less than twenty small wooden huts. She wondered why the Halfling had taken them there.

As she was about to ask why Earat, a notification window popped up.
    + Entered The rundown Village of Ennui

    Formerly a gold mining village. It used to hold up to 2,000 residents. Until a horde of aardwolves came and plagued them. This village currently has a population of thirty.
    Mamelon saw Louche head for the hut in the center. A muscular, middle aged woman came out and greeted the Rogue.

"Greetings, Elder Tapang. My Friends and I have done the impossible. We've slain all 500 aardwolves."

Louche said as he pointed to Mamelon and her 325 men.

"Are you sure?" Tapang doubtfully asked.

Mamelon called for her regiment to display their loot. Her men laid out 308 aardwolf pelts, 402 aardwolf fangs, and 392 aardwolf claws which they collected earlier.

"Praise Cuezaltzin! As agreed upon, let me reward you with these three Gold Divination Rods and six gold nuggets. With the aardwolves gone, I'm sure we could revive this village in no time."

Louche hurriedly grabbed the rewards, but Earat pulled him back. He then turned to Mamelon and said.

"You should get the reward. We may have started the quest, but there's no way we could have finished it without your help. Although, I do hope you remember that we did defend this village and start this quest."

"Wait, what? Oh, hells no!" Cried out the Rogue.

Mamelon smiled as Louche profusely protested.

"Thanks, Earat, but Louche is right. You guys deserve this reward. Although, I wouldn't mind if you could spare us one of the Gold Divination Rods and one nugget?"

"Yeah, sure. Let's go with that." Louche quickly answered.

Mamelon received their share of the quest reward. Before they could

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