Zane & Lucky's First Christmas (Forever Love, #5)

Zane & Lucky's First Christmas (Forever Love, #5) by J. S. Cooper

Book: Zane & Lucky's First Christmas (Forever Love, #5) by J. S. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. S. Cooper
thank you, Zane. I do appreciate you babysitting last night.”
    “Uh huh.” Zane reached for some more bacon.
    “Can I have another pancake please, Noah?” Skylar looked up at him with big hopeful eyes. “With syrup?”
    “Sure.” He nodded and placed one on her plate. “No need to ask if you want more, honey. Just take it.”
    “Okay, thank you.” She grinned and I watched as she poured about a pound of syrup onto her pancake. Zane and I both smiled at each other, as Noah continued on eating, having noticed nothing. It was funny for me to watch Noah adapting to fatherhood. He was a good man and tried his best, but he really didn’t know the first thing about being a parent.  I realized that Zane was likely going to be the same way, and I wondered if I shouldn’t enroll all of us in a parenting class.
    “How is Robin?” I spoke the words without even thinking what I was saying.
    “She’s good.” Noah grinned so widely that I knew that they had made up. “In fact, I think we’re going to take Skylar on a picnic next week. Would you like that?” He looked down at the little girl, who had so much syrup around her mouth that she looked like she could trap a hundred flies all by herself.
    “Oh, yes, please.” she mumbled as she attempted to pour more syrup onto her plate.
    “I think that’s enough syrup, honey.” I smiled at her gently and she put the bottle back down with a small grin.
    “Ok, Aunty Robin.” It was then that Noah looked at her plate properly and I saw his eyes widen as he surveyed its contents before looking back at me and making a face. I grinned at him and we shared a secret smile.
    “A picnic sounds like it will be fun.” Zane joined the conversation. “What day are you going, and what time?”
    “Not sure yet, why?” Noah looked up at him casually.
    “I want to spend some alone time with my fiancée.” Zane gave him a look and Noah laughed.
    “Zane.” I glared at him, slightly embarrassed that he was bringing up our sex life, even if it was in as covert a way as possible.
    “Lucky, if we don’t get the exact times we will be wasting a perfect opportunity.” Zane winked at me, and I felt my face burning up as I looked over at Skylar to see if she was understanding any part of the conversation. I let out a sigh of relief as I watched her studiously cutting up her bacon and placing it on pieces of pancake squares.
    “Uh huh.”
    “Shit, if Noah had been here before we got pregnant, we may not have to worry about any babies coming.”
    “I said, if Noah had been here before we did the hoo-ha, we may not even be pregnant right now.” Zane repeated and I glared at him as Noah laughed.
    “I suppose you guys haven’t had the opportunity to have alone time, huh?” Noah winked at his brother. “Come on now, Zane. I didn’t know you had problems in that department.”
    “I don’t have problems.” Zane started and stopped as I gave him a murderous look. “Anyway, just let us know when you guys will be gone.”
    “Sure, bro.” Noah laughed. “I can take Skylar out to the mall this morning, if you want. Give you some guys some alone time.”
    “No.” I blurted out at the same time that Zane said “Sure.”
    “I’ll let you guys think about it.” Noah grinned and I shook my head at him.
    “I’m going to call Sidney after breakfast. I was hoping we could go and see him later this week and discuss our shooting schedule.”
    “That sounds good.” Noah nodded. “I told you that Betty has a friend that is willing to be videotaped as well.”
    “The Jewish lady?” I thought for a moment. “The one who was in the concentration camp?”
    “Yeah, Mrs. Rosenbaum.” He nodded. “I spoke to her and she’s very eager to tell her story.”
    “I suppose she doesn’t want people to forget.”
    “Yeah. What makes the story even more powerful is how she and Betty got to be friends.”
    “Betty used to be her cook, right?”
    “Yeah,” He laughed.

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