Z14 (Zombie Rules)

Z14 (Zombie Rules) by David Achord

Book: Z14 (Zombie Rules) by David Achord Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Achord
                  “Are you going to see Andie again?” Macie asked.
                  “Oh, hell no.” I replied. I still did not tell them of Andie propositioning me or kissing me. I intended to, sort of, but I couldn’t seem to get it out of my mouth.
                  “You think she set it up?” Julie asked.
                  I shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
                  “You should ask her.” Julie said. “Meet with her again, get there early and set up, like you’ve done before. If you see other people in the area, you’ll know if she’s involved. I’ll come too, if you want.” I shook my head, a little too quickly.
    Julie frowned. “Why not?” She asked.
                  “Remember, she told me about the other women in their group being used as sex slaves. Don’t think they won’t try to kidnap you two if they get a chance.”
                  Macie and Julie looked at each other. “Zach, there’s something I need to tell you.” Julie said. I looked at her and waited. “I’m late.” I stared at her questioningly. She scoffed when she realized I didn’t understand. “I think I’m pregnant Zach.” She waited expectantly for a reaction from me.
                  “Oh boy.” I responded.
                  Her mouth dropped open. “Oh boy? That’s the only thing you have to say?”
                  I tried to say something else, but it only came out as an unintelligible stammer. Julie went pale, ran into our bedroom and slammed the door. I looked over at Macie. She shook her head in mock disgust, pointed at me, and then pointed toward the bedroom. I took the hint.
                  I knocked quietly before entering. Julie was on the bed rubbing Curly’s belly, and he was grunting contentedly. I sat down beside them and was rewarded with two different responses. Curly wagged his tail. Julie pointedly ignored me.
                  “Please don’t doubt my love for you. You just took me by surprise.” I said.
                  “You don’t want me to be pregnant.” She said accusingly.
                  “No, it’s not that. I’m worried, that’s all.”
                  Julie scoffed and glared at me. “Worried? Is that all you have to say? I guess I’m wondering why you’re not saying, why Julie, we’re having a baby, that’s so wonderful!” I suddenly had a couple of itches here and there, I could not resist the urge to scratch.
                  “Julie, of course I’m happy. You caught me off guard. I’m still a little torn up by running over that woman, you know?” I held my hands out pleadingly. “I don’t know what else to say.”
                  “Zach, why would it bother you? You’re a cold-blooded killer. You’re not torn up by another notch on your holster, or your gun, or wherever the fuck you put your notches.” She got up and went back into the den. I watched her backside go through the door and hurriedly followed.
                  “What in the world made you say such a cruel thing?” I demanded angrily.
                  She pointed outside. “Remember when we were sitting right outside eating watermelon? We were laughing and having a good old time, and you and Fred just stood there watching. Now Fred is Fred, but you used to be right there laughing with us. You don’t laugh anymore Zach!” Julie was yelling and crying at the same time now. “You’re not happy here.” Her voice drifted off. I tried to touch her but she shrugged me off and walked into the kitchen.
                  I tried desperately to think up a response. To say something, anything, to make it better. I couldn’t. I was too angry. I walked outside. Looking at my watch, I made a decision. I still had plenty of daylight left. I grabbed some gear out of

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