You've Got Tail

You've Got Tail by Renee George

Book: You've Got Tail by Renee George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee George
make me groan and tremble with pleasure. “Oh, hot damn. Hot damn,” I murmured, grabbing his flannel shirt and yanking the front apart. Plastic buttons hit the hardwood floors. I’d always wanted to do that, and damn if it wasn’t as sexy as I thought it would be.
    â€œI think you need to be punished for that,” he said playfully.
    My eyes widened. “Bring it on.”
    He threw me over his shoulder and gave my ass a slap.
    Kicking and giggling, I let Babel carry me through the apartment to the bedroom. He tossed me easily onto the bed. I landed with an unflattering bounce, but it didn’t matter at all. He stripped the damaged shirt off first, giving me the full-on benefit of his wide chest and ripped abs.
    I whistled low and soft, “There ought to be a law.”
    He snarled, not mean-like, but oh-so-mind-blowingly-hot. “There is.”
    I laughed. Until his pants dropped to the floor, along with my jaw. Soft, he was big—hard, he was super-sized. And yes, I’d seen it the day before, but not in this context. The context where he was planning on inserting it into me. “Holy schmoly.”
    â€œIt gets better.” He grinned.
    â€œAs long as it doesn’t get bigger.” As it was, I wasn’t sure if it was going to feel really, really good. Or really, really bad. “Don’t break me. I may need my shit at some later date.”
    He retrieved his wallet from his pants and pulled out a condom. Funny enough, it didn’t bother me that he carried them around. I was actually glad the gorgeous slut practiced safe sex! I swallowed hard as he rolled the condom down the length of his shaft. It didn’t quite reach the base. I swallowed hard again.
    â€œI’ll be gentle.” His low voice caused my belly button to feel like someone had tied a string to it from the inside and tugged. I was so wet and ready, gentle or otherwise.
    He crawled up the bed with the confidence of a predator stalking its prey. His shoulder-length hair falling forward, giving him that primal something-something that made my thighs quiver with anticipation. He started at my ankles, tenderly licking and nipping, making the nerves in my body raw with excitement.
    The farther up he went, the more my legs spread to accommodate his wide shoulders until his tongue met my…
    â€œAh,” I grunted as his mouth found the sweet spot. His hands reached up to my breasts, caressing and tweaking. The simultaneous stimulation made my back bow, raising my body to meet his every manipulation.
    My sex slick with heat, my throat thick and heavy with desire, I muttered, “I want you in me.”
    Babel growled his own eagerness as he raised his body over mine. He entered me slowly, inch by languid inch.
    â€œOh, God,” he rasped. “You’re so tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”
    It felt too good and we’d gone too far to stop. I raised my hips to meet his, taking him all the way in. A moan fell from my lips unbidden. I could feel the pressure mounting inside me as his thick shaft slid deep and withdrew in a slow, easy rhythm.
    He arched his back, taking my nipple into his mouth again, teasing it with his tongue. My hips thrust upward, driving him deeper inside me.
    Babel’s growls and moans only heightened my excitement. His rhythm quickened. I rocked my lower body, meeting every hard thrust with the same enthusiasm. The musky scent of his skin added to the wild feeling growing inside me like a ticking time bomb. A burning rapture of ecstasy exploded through my body. I cried out, the intensity overwhelming all my senses.
    Suddenly, I was on the street outside the restaurant. A large dog—again with reddish-brown fur, but not the one I’d been hallucinating—jumped on top me, its lips pulled back in a snarl as it growled and bared its teeth.
    Screaming, I scrambled backward, its hot breath licking at my skin. I shut my eyes tight, waiting for it to

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