Your Desire
looked exactly like the professional woman she was, so unlike the woman of the previous week who had made love in the public hallway of a club then taunted him the rest of the night with her cock-teasing dances and temping glances. There’d been nothing conservative about that woman.
    It wasn’t until she was ready to get in that Kailen noticed a large box on the sidewalk beside her. She put it in the back seat then climbed in the front.
    “Hi.” He smiled and leaned over to kiss her.
    “Hi, back,” she replied when he raised his head.
    A horn blew behind them, and Kailen put his mind to driving.
    “What’s in the box?”
    “The dress I wore at the photo shoot. It’s not mine, I just rented it and I thought if you don’t mind a detour I’d return it. It’s a little out of the way though, in the three hundred block of Post.”
    “That’s no problem.” He made a right at the next corner, heading toward downtown instead of the bridge. “So, are you ready to face your friends again, dragging along the underwear model?”
    “Lord! I’d forgotten all about that billboard, although I did pay more attention the week after the party. The funny thing is, once I started looking for it, I saw it everywhere.”
    He grinned at her. “And?”
    “The real thing is sooo much better!”
    Laughing out loud, he winked at her.
    “No, seriously.” She ran her hand up his thigh.
    His muscles tightened at her touch, but he maintained his smile.
    “All of the bicycling really pays off, and it shows in the ad, believe me.”
    Distracted by her fingers skimming to the top of his leg, he almost didn’t stop for the red light at the bottom of the hill. His smile became strained.
    Her fingers curved around his cock, which was now hard with need and aching to escape one enclosed space in order to invade another.
    “But where your … attributes look so damn good blown up and plastered on those billboards…” she dropped her voice to a seductive low “—they feel like heaven.”
    “I swear to God, Derica,” he ground out through clenched teeth, “I’m going to pull into the darkest corner of the darkest parking garage and have my dirty way with you if you don’t stop right now.” The light changed and once again Kailen was prodded into action only when horns blew behind him.
    “Promises, promises,” she said with a laugh, but she removed her hand. “You need to do a better job keeping your mind on driving.”
    “Yeah, thanks,” he muttered.
    “You haven’t commented on how I look,” she said with a pout in her voice.
    “You look beautiful and you know it. The business woman out for an afternoon tea.”
    She slapped his arm playfully. “Even when a woman knows she looks all right, it’s nice to hear her man say it.”
    Her man. Definitely what he wanted but was afraid to count on.
    “This is different from what I usually wear. We’ll see if The Wives approve. Their nod is even more important now, with the promotion being decided.”
    His attention jumped into high gear. “Promotion? You haven’t said anything about a promotion.”
    Frowning, she looked at the street sign as they zipped through an intersection. “I haven’t? It’s big—something I’ve really hoped for. Daniel told me about it the week after that client party we went to. They’ve been deciding for weeks now and I heard it’s come down to me and Joel Miller.” She pointed out the windshield. “There’s the shop, up in the next block on the right.”
    “Will you be long?”
    “No, I don’t think so. Believe me, it’s not the kind of place that’ll have crowds.”
    “I’ll circle the block, then.” He turned on the four-way flashers and double parked while she got the box out of the backseat. She probably hadn’t seen his package because she hadn’t pressed him about it Later, after he took her home, there would be time enough to give it to her and talk.
    And they’d talk in her apartment, where she could feel the dichotomy of

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