Young-hee and the Pullocho

Young-hee and the Pullocho by Mark James Russell

Book: Young-hee and the Pullocho by Mark James Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark James Russell
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your company.” And with that, the frog gave a big hop and dove into the water.
    â€œFroggy’s gone,” said Bum, disappointed.
    Young-hee wasn’t sure of what to make of that conversation, but reminded herself of the need to be respectful to all of Strange Land’s creatures. For all she knew, the next mouse she met could be a princess. Or a pile of wood could be a wizard.
    She looked at the sky and wondered what time it was. Or if Strange Land had time. Her last visit had lasted seven or eight hours, but it always looked like early evening. No telling how long days last here , she thought. We’d better get moving . “Come on, Bum. Take my hand. I want to show you something.”
    Bum complied, and she led him back into the forest. The large jureum trees were disorienting, but she kept Haechi Hill on her left and tried to retrace her steps, aiming for Jiha and Cheonha. But when they emerged from the forest, the goblin market lay ahead. Young-hee thought about going back to talk to the jangseung, but decided it was easier to go straight into the market. She had a plan—buy some food and things, then go exploring. She could meet Jiha and Cheonha after, maybe ask for advice about places to go.
    â€œLet’s go,” Young-hee said. A few other people were walking to the market, too—a long, elegant creature that looked like an elf; a bent, witch-looking woman; three beautiful, child-like women dressed in forest greens and browns, giggling and gossiping. They all ignored her, thankfully. At least four times Bum almost ran off in one direction or another, suddenly captivated—by a strange flower, a big rock that needed climbing, something high in the trees. She was determined that nothing would bite or hop off with—or, heaven forbid, eat—her brother, so she held tight to his hand.
    â€œDid you see that big froggy?” he asked.
    â€œYes, Bum, I was there.”
    â€œWasn’t he awesome?”
    â€œYeah, he was pretty cool. Everything here is pretty cool.”
    â€œDid you see that big orange flower, the one that was walking ?”
    â€œUh, no. Are you sure it was walking?”
    â€œUh-huh. I told you to look, but you weren’t listening.”
    â€œSorry, Bum.” She did feel a bit guilty about that, actually. There was so much to see, but she wanted to make sure Bum was safe and under control. The market hubbub grew with each step closer.
    â€œAnd did you see the doggy?”
    â€œHuh? Do you mean Gangjee? He’s right here in my pocket.”
    â€œNo, the little brown doggy, playing in the long grass near froggy’s pond.”
    Young-hee didn’t like the sound of that. She hadn’t noticed any dog. Did fairytales have dogs? But there are plenty of wolves, like in Red Riding Hood or The Three Little Pigs . Or maybe wolves were just in Western fairytales?
    â€œWe’re almost at the market, Bum. See?” She pointed at the stalls. “Now, Bum, this is important ,” she said, holding him lightly by the shoulders and looking seriously into his eyes. “You need to stay with me, okay? We’re going to the market, just like home. And we’re going to meet strange-looking people. Or creatures. Or something.” Bum looked at her dumbly. “Anyhow, some are nice, but some can be a little scary. Don’t get frightened or weirded out. Stay with me and we’ll be okay, I promise. Right?”
    â€œOkay,” he intoned, only half-looking at her. So far, nothing seemed to have fazed Bum at all. He just took it all in, matter-of-fact, like it was as normal as a refrigerator or a roll of gimbap .
    Young-hee feared he wasn’t paying attention, so she pushed the point. “Do you promise ?”
    â€œYes, I promise.”
    It would have to do. “Good. Then let’s go.”
    The market enveloped them with noise and activity. Young-hee wasn’t as overwhelmed as the first time and managed

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