You Can't Help Who You Love

You Can't Help Who You Love by Tierra Hopkins

Book: You Can't Help Who You Love by Tierra Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tierra Hopkins
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    “Well, I wanted to sleep in, but Quis wants to step out tonight. I guess I can go to show face,” Halee said.
    “Girl, same here. But I’m about to go lay under my man. After I nap, then we can go do whatever he wants,” I replied, yawning. Once I pulled up, we said a few words and parted ways. I was tired and wanted nothing more than to get in my bed, but I did want some time with my man, so I headed to my closet to find some clothes.
    “Don’t know what he have in mind, so I’ll pack a few outfits to choose from,” I said to myself. I picked out two that I knew would turn heads anywhere. One was a pair of ripped up, tight fitting, high waisted jeans. I matched it with a PINK sports bra with a long sleeve jean shirt with some fresh out the box Nikes. That was for if we went to the movies or something. The next was a wraparound, money green Bodycon dress with a pair of diamond studded nude Red Bottoms. That was for the club scene. I folded and packed them both up and headed back out of my room, bumping into Carter.
    “Sup baby sis, where you headed? Halee with you?” he wasted no time asking me.
    “Uh, out with Dallas and no. She isn’t with me, why? Should she be?” I questioned him back. What I saw earlier had my mind in overdrive. If I was tripping then, I most definitely wasn’t now. He was moving too much and scratching at his neck. “The fuck?” I questioned myself.
    “Oh no reason, just asking. Have fun, aight?” he told me, walking away.
    “Ooook,” I said. I shook the thoughts off and proceeded to Dallas’ with my mind on my brother the entire time.
    My birthday has come and gone; I lived it up like any 19-year-old would. My daddy went all out and bought me an apartment down the road from the college I would be attending. It was only two hours away, so if I wanted to come home and be with my family, I could. Halee and Quis had been kicking it hard, so hard that they’re in a relationship, and I would say it’s pretty cute. I’m happy for my girl. Though Dally and I are still in the same position, our bond had grown tighter. That’s what I liked. We were best friends before lovers. It feels good to have a bond with the one you love. Yes, I love me some DALLAS. If I needed to vent, cry, anything, then I knew without a doubt that I could come talk to him.
    The day of my birthday, both Halee and I went and got tatted up! Literally! Justin almost flew through the roof, but my dad had to remind him that I’m nineteen now and I’m no longer a baby. I understand I’m the last and only girl, but he don’t have to be all OVER OVERprotective, if you get what I’m saying. We haven’t heard or seen much from Carter ever since my dad placed the crown on Justin’s head. Yes, he still passed it down to his son, but he also gave both Dally and Quis a promotion. Everything in life right now was fantastic and I couldn’t complain. I was meeting Halee at HOBBY LOBBY, so we could get everything we needed for school. We were leaving together and her apartment was right beside mine. Yes, we are glued together honey!!
    “I’m so excited!!” she screamed, jumping up and down.
    “Calm down, but YES, I am too!” I told her as we strolled, just dropping shit in the basket.
    “Girl, damn, if I wasn’t with Quis. I bet it’s going to be some fineeeeee ass niggas on that campus!” she said, squealing.
    “Ok, let big bro show up and show out because you know he don’t mind,” I said, laughing. I went to the register first and my total came out to be $754.67. It was cool though, long as my space was decked out. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, so I reached to get it. I smiled, knowing it was Dallas. He was telling me how much he missed me and, let’s be real, I missed my best guy friend too.
    “You wanna chill with the fellas tonight?” I asked Halee, knowing she wouldn’t mind.
    “Sure!” she said. I had to mentally prepared myself to go back to

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