You and Me against the World: The Creepers Saga Book 1

You and Me against the World: The Creepers Saga Book 1 by Raymond Esposito

Book: You and Me against the World: The Creepers Saga Book 1 by Raymond Esposito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond Esposito
kid in the Yankees hat introduced himself as Austin. He shared too many features with Devin to be any relation less than a brother. The blonde Death Dancer was a seventeen-year-old named Annie. After the introduction, she moved impatiently from foot to foot, ready to go. The youngest girl shook hands but didn’t speak. She stood silently with a .38 in her hand and her iPod playing. Annie introduced her as Golden. “But some of us call her Goldie,” Annie added. She also told them that Goldie didn’t talk much anymore. Thorn caught the “anymore,” but he asked no questions.
    Brandon approached and shook hands. He welcomed Thorn and Susan as if he had just asked them to step into his office for a consultation. Nick introduced himself next. He was friendly but reserved, and his eyes scanned the area around them not in fear but in vigilance. Nick stepped back next to the quiet girl. He put his hand on her shoulder in a brotherly fashion, and she gave him a small quick smile. Connor came last. Thorn recognized him as the one who had run in between the houses. He was polite like the others, but Thorn saw combat fatigue in the kid’s eyes and the smile was a little off. He made a mental note.
    “So, are you the guy in charge?” Thorn asked Devin.
    Devin gave a little laugh. “You older folks, no offense, but you’re all about the pecking order.”
    “Oh, he thinks he’s in charge,” Austin said with a bit of friendly contempt only a younger brother could pull off.
    Devin ignored him.
    “Let’s just say, Dr. Thorn, I’m currently the bro making the plans.”
    “Yeah, for now,” a voice said from behind them. A young guy with dark hair and glasses stepped forward and stuck out his hand.
    “I’m Adam. Nice to meet you, Doctor, ma’am.” He tipped his head slightly.
    He turned to Devin, and to assert his own authority he said, “Me and Brad are gonna push on through the neighborhood and work the rest of these Creepers.”
    “Yeah, in a minute, let’s reorg here and get Dr. Thorn and Susan back to South.”
    “Brandon can do that,” Adam said.
    “Yep, he can, but you need to wait until we’re ready to move as a team.”
    Adam didn’t agree, but he walked back to the SUV without further argument. Brad came forward and introduced himself. He was athletic and moved like a running back. After the introduction, he followed Adam back to the vehicles, but not before he stole several glances at the Death Dancer. The third driver approached and hi-fived Nick and then said to Annie, “Love the dance, little girl, but you’re gonna get yourself killed.”
    She laughed. “Naw, Austin’s got my back.”
    Chris introduced himself, and then he turned to Devin.
    “Do you want me to get these folks back?” he asked.
    “No, stick with me. Brandon’s on medic duty tonight, so he’ll drive.”
    “Look, bikes,” Annie said and pointed to a couple of small tricycles in Thorn’s neighbor’s drive.
    “Did they have kids?” she asked Thorn.
    “Yeah, two.”
    Annie looked at Austin.
    “You know what that means? They might have Coke.”
    She jogged past the group and headed for the neighbor’s house. She was halfway across the drive when a Creeper came in a full gallop on her blind side. Austin’s rifle came up in a flash, followed by a deafening blast. The infected fell dead a few inches from Annie. She turned and looked at Chris.
    “See, Austin’s always got my back.”
    “You better hope there’s never a time I have something better to do when you screw up,” Austin said, and then laughed.
    “Ann, remember, we work as a team,” Devin called. There was no aggravation in his voice, and no expectation that she would stop, just the quiet reserve of acceptance.
    “Austin, Chris, go clear that house with her … and see if they have any Coke.”
    Thorn was still trying to take in all that had happened so fast.
    “Devin, why play the loud music?” Susan asked.
    “It draws the Creepers out of their holes.

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