Yoga Cures: Simple Routines to Conquer Over 50 Common Ailments and Live Pain-Free

Yoga Cures: Simple Routines to Conquer Over 50 Common Ailments and Live Pain-Free by Tara Stiles

Book: Yoga Cures: Simple Routines to Conquer Over 50 Common Ailments and Live Pain-Free by Tara Stiles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Stiles
Tags: Yoga, Health & Fitness, Pain Management
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    rheumatoid arthritis patients who completed twelve sessions of Raj yoga (a gentle form of yoga). The
    study’s author, Dr. Humeira Badsha, said, “While our study has been conducted in a small group of
    patients, the results show clear benefits for patients who regularly practice. We believe that practicing
    yoga for a longer term could in fact result in further significant improvements and we hope our study
    drives further research into the benefits of yoga in rheumatoid arthritis.”
    Meditation has also been shown to help people deal with arthritis. “Meditation is becoming
    increasingly popular as a way to treat chronic illness such as the pain caused by arthritis,” said Dr.
    Christopher Brown, who conducted a meditation study on arthritis sufferers. “The results of the study
    confirm how we suspected meditation might affect the brain. Meditation trains the brain to be more
    present-focused and therefore to spend less time anticipating future negative events. This may be why
    meditation is effective at reducing the recurrence of depression, which makes chronic pain considerably

    To ease arthritis, practice meditation at least once per day for five to ten minutes. Work up to meditating twice per day, right when you wake up and before bed, for better results.

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    Hands and Knees Wrist Release
    Come onto all fours. Make sure your wrists are directly under your shoulders, same for your knees and hips. Spread your fingers wide. Turn your right hand as far to the right as it will go, so the heel of your hand is facing forward and your fingers are facing your body. Press your palm into the ground. Gently put weight on the wrist and roll into the hand, breathing deeply into any tight areas that you find. Stay here for five long, deep breaths, then do the same with the other hand.

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    Hands and Knees Fist Release
    Staying on all fours, make tight fists with both hands, bend your elbows out to the sides, and place the tops of your hands on the ground, your knuckles should be facing each other. Begin to straighten your elbows but only straighten as much as you can while keeping a tight fist. You should feel a stretch on the tops of your wrists.

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    Down Dog
    From all fours, tuck your toes, lift your hips, and press back into down dog. Reach your heels toward the ground.
    Relax your shoulders toward the ground and relax your head and neck. Stay here for five long, deep breaths.

    Down Dog, Lift Heels
    In your down dog, inhale and lift high onto your toes, reaching your heels and hips straight up. Exhale and lower back into your down dog. Repeat twice more.

    In a study published in 2009 by researchers in Australia, a group of women between the ages of twenty-
    five and sixty-three who were diagnosed with binge-eating disorder participated in a twelve-week yoga
    program aimed at reducing the severity of their disordered eating patterns. The group that practiced
    yoga reported significant reductions in their binge eating behaviors. The control group reported no
    significant change.
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    The yoga cure when it comes to binge eating and other eating disorders often deals with settling the mind and curing it of anxiety, worry, fears, and the need for control. Yoga has a way of evening us out, and bringing us back to balance. When we have a hard time getting out of our own way, yoga is there

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