Xone Of Contention
    “We must go quickly,” the spook agreed “Before the danger comes at dawn."
    “Yes, we must go,” he said He took Pia's hand, not for any naughty purpose, but because he knew how frightened she had to be, and wanted to reassure her “The real Breanna and Justin will discover we're gone, and come after us,” he whispered “We just have to play along until then.”
    “Yes,” she agreed, terrified
    They followed the spook down the glowing path Edsel turned his head to peek behind them, and saw that the path was disappearing as they went. One way, indeed. This was an aspect of magic he would have preferred not to encounter. Even if they got free of the spook, how could they ever make their way back through that jungle? They were no longer protected from dragons or tangle trees.
    The path continued interminably. Now Edsel had time to consider other aspects. Why had this trap been set for them? Whoever had set it up had known something about them. Their names, that they were visitors who could be fooled. The names of their Companions, from whom they were to be separated. But who could be behind this? Or what?
    The path continued, and so did the spook All they could do was follow. But Edsel kept his eyes open, watching for any escape, or even a hint of what they were caught in.
    On and on Edsel's legs were getting tired, and Pia was stumbling against him. The spook had been right about wherever it was they were going being far away.
    The sky began to lighten. Dawn was coming. That was a relief; at least they would be able to see something other than the glowing path. But that would not necessarily be good news. It might merely clarify how bad the trouble was.
    “What's that?” Pia asked, squeezing his hand almost painfully tight.
    Edsel looked. A jagged line was forming in the sky. It widened and lengthened, and light spilled out. One end was overhead; the other was touching the horizon.
    “The crack of dawn!” he exclaimed, catching on.
    At that, the crack wedged all the way open, and light poured across the land. The spook faded out.
    The path also faded. They were left standing on a brushy plain. Ahead of them was a dark castle.
    “I think that's where we are headed,” Edsel said.
    Pia shuddered. “I don't want to go there.”
    Edsel looked around. “I see a stream—and a boat. I think we had better borrow that boat and get away from here.”
    They tramped through the brush to the boat. It was tied to a deserted cabin. “We must mark this place,” Edsel said. “So we know where to return the boat.” He didn't want to think of himself as a thief.
    He untied the boat and held it steady while Pia got in. There were two paddles lying along its bottom. They took these and moved into the stream. Fortunately the current was away from the castle.
    The stream carried them along; they needed the paddles only to steer the boat. Soon it debouched into a lake. The castle seemed to be on the edge of the lake, so they paddled the other way.
    “There's an island,” Pia said, pointing.
    “Maybe that's the best place to hide,” he said. “Until Justin and Breanna come looking for us.”
    “Yes ” She seemed a trifle encouraged.
    They paddled toward the island. “Maybe the real deadline the spook had was to get us to that castle before the crack of dawn.” he said. “The way she vanished, and the path faded, when the light came—”
    “Vampires,” she said.
    “But we delayed just enough to be behind schedule. So we escaped. They can't chase us in daylight. So if Justin and Breanna come before then, we'll be all right.”
    “We were such fools. We should have known.”
    “My fault. I took her at her word. I really thought it was Breanna, though I see now that she was obviously phony from the outset. Next time I'll know better.” Assuming they got out of this fix. Pia's fear was evident in part by her lack of any cutting comments; she lost inspiration when nervous.
    The island looked

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