Xan's Feisty Mate

Xan's Feisty Mate by Elle Boon

Book: Xan's Feisty Mate by Elle Boon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Boon
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she was closed up in a room with her mate she’d be...well she’d be in heaven or hell, depending if she froze up like the Ice Queen she’d been dubbed by the men she’d tried to date.
    K ellen eyed the little she wolf with disdain. There was something familiar about her that niggled the back of his brain. As the alpha he couldn’t dismiss it. He waited for her to wake up, to see she was held captive by the very ones she’d betrayed.
    They’d moved her to the garage at the back where they did custom work. After he’d dismissed the other members of his pack, he’d made sure she was properly tied down. Arms and legs strapped to the metal chair right next to the oil drain. A very effective way to wash away any blood and bodily fluids, and clearly a fear inducing method as well. She was held immobile from chest to knees, with silver chains even the strongest wolf couldn’t break without serious injury. Kellen didn’t think she was the strongest, yet she’d been cunning enough to get into his pack without detection, and he wanted to know why, and who sent her.
    Defiant eyes opened, the color a cross between hazel and brown. “So, is this when the torture begins? I won’t tell you a thing, so you might as well kill me,” she rasped.
    So rebellious. He couldn’t wait to see what she did next. Kellen lounged in a comfortable leather chair a few feet from her, his legs sprawled. The syringe she used dangling between his fingers. He waited but didn’t say a word. Sometimes the wait was worse than the yelling.
    The air filled with her panic. He kept his expression blank, twirling the needle in his fingers.
    “Say something, asshole,” she growled.
    He quirked an eyebrow. “Such language. I’m waiting for you. Seems to me you have all the answers, while I have...nothing.” He looked at the offending object.
    Good. She appeared to be thinking she had a bargaining tool. Her arms shifted, the silver chains hit her wrists, the scent of burning skin reached him, her scream of pain did nothing but amuse him. Let her suffer. Until he got answers, her torment would continue. He had not an ounce of sympathy for the traitorous cunt.
    “Help me,” she cried.
    Kellen crossed his booted feet. “You’re the only one who can help yourself.” He tossed the needle in his hand up in the air, catching it in his palm. “Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll end your torment.” He wouldn’t allow her to leave, but he was a man of his word.
    “I don’t know anything. I was just supposed to grab the bitch and...” she clamped her lips shut.
    He shrugged his shoulders, grabbing a longneck from the table he’d pulled next to his chair. He watched her eyes follow him as he took a pull, saw her lick her dry lips. Yeah, he just bet she was thirsty. Again, he gave no fucks. He was the alpha, and a bastard. Until she gave him answers, he could sit here and drink, even catch a few Z’s. Hell, he may even call for some female attentions. He wondered what kind of reaction he’d get from their captive if he had a woman bouncing on his cock. An image of Laikyn popped into his head. He barely contained the snarl that wanted to erupt.
    The smell of burning flesh brought him out of his own personal hell.
    “Ah, little bitch, are you hurting? I got all night. I snap my fingers and I have food, drinks, and even women if I want. So, you just sit there and lie. I can smell it you know.” He told her.
    The more she fidgeted, the more she burned. Silver hurt worse than anything to a shifter.
    “You’re a sadist. You use women and throw them away, just like all men. Sandy said so.” She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood.
    “Ah, so this Sandy is your boss?” He finished his beer, pulling out another, acting as if her words didn’t mean shit to him. “Go on, maybe if you say something that I want to hear, I’ll tug those chains off your flesh. If you keep moving like that, they’ll go all the way down to bone. Do you know

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