sexy to Noah’s ears. “But you’ll star tonight in my very own private movie as my submissive and….” Kell swallowed, reaching out to stroke Noah’s hair. His hand wasn’t quite steady, Noah noticed, hyper-aware of everything about this man. “Beautiful Noah-slave. That all right by you? A fella can dream.”
Noah flushed but then nodded. “Thank you for understanding.”
    “How about the big gay make out in private places?” Kell pushed, dark eyes twinkling. “You ready for that?”
Noah laughed and shoved Kell away. “I think we both better stay in this alcove until what we are feeling isn’t too… obvious.”
    Kell stepped back. “If I stay here, I’m going to touch you and you’re going to like it. And I won’t be able to stop myself from making you come, Noah. So I’m going to gather our popcorn and drinks and go find Josh. See you in a few.”
    Noah watched the larger man stride away and thought it was very Kell that he obviously didn’t care his erection was tenting his jeans. The Chief was a true alpha male.
    Noah knew it wasn’t PC to like the way such a man treated him, but… it seemed he had a weakness for bossy, take-charge alpha males. He rubbed his damp forehead ruefully. By rights, Kell was treading on unhealed ground, so why wasn’t he setting off Noah’s trip wires? But the truth was, from the beginning, Noah had felt completely safe with Kell. The Chief liked to kiss, tease, lure him into play, but he listened to Noah, respected Noah’s limits.
Noah huffed out a breath. Kell was an irresistible combination, and he knew it, damn him.

“T HIS is so great!” Josh crowed when Noah had calmed enough to
    rejoin him and Kell. Noah felt his heart melt a little when he saw Kell was sitting on one side of Josh so that Noah could sit on the other, because some of Noah’s previous dates would have insisted on sitting next to him, maybe wanting to make out with Noah during the movie, ignoring Josh.
    Not that Noah would let them forget his son!
But his barbarian truly seemed to care about Josh. Irresistible.

ELL ’ S cell phone vibrated, and he immediately tensed, placing it
    by his ear while he glanced at Noah. In another moment, he snapped it closed and reached across Josh to lightly squeeze Noah’s shoulder, silently telling him he had to leave.
    Noah’s gaze followed him as he left the theater, but he could already see that Kell was a million miles away, his mind on his job. For some reason, his heartbeat picked up, and unease pricked him, but he shoved it aside, putting an arm around Josh and trying to lose himself in his son’s innocent enthusiasm for the movie.
He guessed this was part of dating a lawman, if that was what he was doing.

“V ICTIM identified as… a raccoon, found by Thomas Anderson.”
    Daniel Makepeace looked over at Kell. “And I remind you, Chief, I am not qualified to deal with small wild animals. But because you called me in anyway, I can tell you that the cause of death appears to be… massive tissue loss.” Daniel Makepeace spoke into his recorder, voice sober, since he was shaken, as they all were, by another mysterious and frightening event in their town. He stood up for a moment, pausing, head down before shaking his head and then continuing.
    Kell and deputy-on-loan Alec Danvers waited just beyond the garage, watching the coroner as he examined the scene. “I appreciate you lookin’ anyway, Daniel,” Kell said. “It will help with my investigation.”
    “Hmm.” Makepeace snapped his measuring tape closed. “Height and weight of raccoon can only be estimated at this time….”
    Kell turned away, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. There was bloody raccoon spread all over this garage, but Kell’s personal nightmare was that it could just have easily have been seventeenyear-old boy. And the Andersons didn’t live too far away from Noah and Josh.
    “The torso has been severed, skin peeled back. All the major organs are missing.”

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