Written in the Stars

Written in the Stars by Dilys Xavier Page B

Book: Written in the Stars by Dilys Xavier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dilys Xavier
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worked for Mark in the past and was quite capable of maintaining the high standard of what was expected by Stow Restaurant’s customers. Suzi liked his cheerful manner, but she was well aware that Gary saw all women as potential bed-mates. The young waitress would have to be on her guard while he was around, and one or two older ones as well.
    She accompanied Jane and Judith on a shopping expedition the following afternoon while Mark and his father attended a local point-to-point meeting. Suzi tried to fit in as many trips with Mark’s family as possible, but felt relieved that the business limited the number of activities. She had enjoyed those she had joined, and she felt very comfortable with Mark’s parents; she liked Judith’s fiancé as well, and seriously considered how she would feel to be related to them.
    However hard she tried to convince herself, she could not see herself as part this family. Admittedly, she was very fond of Mark, but spending extra time with Mark and his relatives soon made it clear that she did not want to marry him; she simply didn’t love him; that little X factor missing.
    Mark’s family called into say goodbye the following day and things quickly returned to normal. Pre-Christmas parties had to be catered for, and the number of bookings seemed to increase from week to week. By now, the pace had become quite hectic.
    Suzi moaned aloud when she received a letter from the solicitor again. He explained that the legalities of the inheritance had not been satisfactorily dealt with yet, and stated that although Steve had initially expressed a willingness to sell her his share, his solicitors had not yet indicated that he still wished to pursue the idea. However, Mr Duncan promised to keep her duly informed, so that was that.
    Gary could see how frustrated Suzi had become, and he sidled up to her one morning.
    ‘Don’t worry,’ he said, ‘You can rely on me to help out over the festive season. In fact, I’ll handle the restaurant trade so that Mark could be free to cope with any extra work that turns up.’
    ‘It’s a lot more demanding this year,’ she lamented, to Charlize when they met at their favourite rendezvous for a morning coffee. ‘I find it hard to drag myself out of bed each day, so thank goodness Gary Hyland has agreed to help out. It would be horrendous otherwise.’
    ‘And how are things with Mark?’
    ‘You mean…? Oh, our social life is almost non-existent now. Mark’s too busy organizing things, chasing up deliveries, checking on a thousand and one things to have much time for anything else’
    ‘How do you feel about that?’
    Suzi gave a little laugh. ‘It’s okay. I don’t mind except when he gives me a little broadside.’
    ‘What do you mean?’ Charlize asked, an inquisitive look on her face.
    ‘Oh, he’s still on about moving into larger premises,’ Suzi replied, ‘and every time we have to set up in a hall somewhere, he moans about the inconvenience.’
    ‘I suppose he would have been a lot happier if you’d inherited Caxton Manor totally?’
    ‘No doubt, but as you know I’d be putting my head in a noose by mortgaging the place, even if it was all mine.’ Suzi pulled a face. ‘Mark has hinted that he might be able to raise enough money to buy Steve Pardoe’s share, but I think it’s all talk. He’s in the same position as me—hocked to the hilt—almost.’
    ‘Have you heard anything more from your solicitor?’
    Suzi pulled another face. ‘That silly old so-and-so huffs and puffs, but does nothing.’
    ‘If you’d known about this Kiwi chap earlier, you might have been able to work something out with him while he was here.’
    ‘Amen to that. It’s a pity Duncan refused to disclose his name at the time.’
    ‘Don’t worry. I expect it will work itself out okay.’
    ‘I still don’t know how I really feel about Mark,’ Suzi stated abruptly. ‘He can be good fun, but I can’t bring myself to be intimate with him. There’s

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