WRECKER by Sasha Gold

Book: WRECKER by Sasha Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Gold
bands, and finally Theo leaned down to kiss her. It was a sweet kiss, chaste and gentle. Later, when they were alone, he’d give her the wedding kiss he wanted to give her.
    The photographer lifted his camera to take a picture. Theo held up his hand. “Hold up a second. We’re missing someone important here.”
    Savannah stood behind the last row of chairs, holding three month old Nate Brooks. Like Theo and Sage, Jack and Savannah were also step-brother and step-sister, one more reason why the ex-Marines were so close, and so committed to each other. Theo motioned to Savannah to bring his boy forward for pictures.
    “He was so good,” Savannah said. “Didn’t say a peep the whole time. Just watched everything. And Travis napped. We should come back next year so they can run and play on the beach.”
    “We could come back next year for Valentine’s Day,” Sage offered. Her eyes sparked with pleasure and she gazed at him, waiting for a reply.
    Theo gave her a sultry look. “Next year it’s my turn to pick what we do.”
    She gave a small breathless laugh and pushed his shoulder. “Theo…”
    Theo took his son from Savannah and held him while the photographer snapped several pictures of the Brooks family. Nate rested his head on Theo’s shoulder. It was the tell-tale sign that it wouldn’t be long before he’d be napping too. He loved that feeling, when his son fell asleep in his arms. Loved seeing his face as he slept. Theo pulled Sage closer. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest.
    “This is it.” He spoke softly so only Savannah could hear.
    She looked up at him. “What’s that?”
    “Everything I need. Right here in my arms. I’m never letting go.”
    Thank you for reading my story. If you enjoyed this story please consider leaving me a review and signing up for my mailing list at www.sashagoldbooks.com where I will notify you of future releases, exclusive offers and bonus material. - Sasha

    Author’s Note: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to other real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
    The right of Sasha Gold to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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    Copyright © 2016 by Sasha Gold
    All rights reserved.

Also from Sasha Gold
    Contemporary Romances
    All’s Fair
    All’s Fair In Love
    Kept Little Thing
    Sexy Little Thing (preview below)
    JACKED (preview below)
    Medieval Romances
    Wicked Little Thing
    Three Wagers
    Western Romances
    Stolen Little Thing
    Preview of JACKED , by Sasha Gold
    Available Now on Amazon Kindle Unlimited

    Chapter 1
    The landing gear lowered, sending a jolt through the jump seat. Savannah Michaels closed her eyes. She could feel the plane descending. Her fingernails dug into her palm. Sweat trickled down her spine and made her uniform cling to her back. The plane touched down with hardly a bump but still drew a small murmur of alarm from her. She gripped the armrests and tried the counting trick the counselor taught her.
    Captain Marshall’s voice came over the

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