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Book: Wrecked by H.P. Landry Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.P. Landry
beautiful when you blush?” he whispered, lost in the moment, his lips just a few inches from mine.
    He was absolutely perfect, but my heart wouldn’t allow me to fully appreciate him. I’m a horrible person. A knock on the door interrupted the moment when a busty blonde stuck her head in the room.
    “Knock, Knock,” she said in a singsong voice. “Hope I didn’t interrupt anything cher.”
    Yes, and thank God you did.
    “Of course you didn’t. Come in,” I answered, trying to keep my voice level.
    Rhonda gave me a knowing look. The slight frown let me know she was aware something was up. Her eyes focused on our clasped hands. Her eyebrows shot so high, I thought they might touch her hairline.
    “It’s so nice to see you again, Rhonda,” Xavier said warmly.
    “Likewise. How have you been? Why haven’t seen you at the hospital before now?” Leave it to Rhonda to get right to the point.
    “Rhonda,” I warned. She paid me no mind and kept her focus on Xavier, who was pulling at the collar of his shirt as if he was uncomfortable being scrutinized so closely. “Don’t mind her Xavier, she tends to forget her word filter occasionally.”
    “No, I am simply speaking the truth. He wasn’t the one who was--”
    “Enough, Rhonda. I appreciate your concern, but truly, Xavier had his reasons why he couldn’t be here sooner. Which we’ve already discussed.” She huffed and crossed her arms over her large chest.
    “I have a deposition that I need to prepare for, so I’ll give you ladies some private time. I’ll see you later.” He kissed me sweetly on my lips and gave Rhonda a nervous wave before he left.
    “What was that?” I immediately asked her as soon as he was gone.
    "I don't like that guy. He's bad news. I'm gonna ask my sister, Patsy, to put the gris-gris on him!"
    “Will you stop? Xavier has been nothing but kind and sweet,” I said as I waved off the ridiculous notion.
    “Damien has been here night and day, keeping a vigil at your bedside. I’m surprised he isn’t here. Wait, did you kick him out?” she accused.
    “Of course not, but I dunno--,” I shook my head at his abrupt departure. He was going to tell me something, and Xavier had interrupted.
    “It was Fabio, right?” She sulked and pouted, a clear indication that she was not happy.
    “Damien made it clear, he doesn’t want me,” I paused because it hurt to admit the truth. “He’ll never fall in love, so why waste my time on someone I can’t have?”
    Or my heart…
    “You both may not want to admit it, but it’s too late. You already love him, and he loves you. You both just haven’t admitted it yet.”


    “Why are you even wasting your time being here?” I heard someone say.
    I looked over my shoulder and saw Malory. This was not a confrontation I was prepared for.
    “Excuse me?” I quirked my brow and glared at her.
    “I’ll never let it happen. You’re just like the rest of them. You have your money and use people. You’ll never care about anyone’s feelings, so stop pretending that you care and leave her alone,” Malory further elaborated.
    “You don’t know me,” I protested. How dare she judge me! I wasn’t the one tied to the bedposts.
    “Let me make it very clear, if you don’t leave Mylie alone, I’ll tell her your dirty little secret.”
    Malory stalked away down the hall, the sound of her clicking heels slowly fading away. I felt deflated. That’s it. There was no chance for us because Malory would make sure to tell Mylie what I’d done.
    “Don’t give up just because you have some skeletons in the closet. We all do, especially that one,” Mrs. J.J. Pierson pointed toward the hall. “You have to follow your heart, or someone may very well steal it right before your eyes.”
    She lifted her chin, and I turned to see Xavier walk by staring at his phone, not noticing us at all. He walked toward the exit, and I said a quick goodbye to Mrs. Pierson, following him. I stayed hidden as I

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