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Book: Wrecked by H.P. Landry Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.P. Landry
to say--,” I started, but that was when the blonde idiot came into the room with huge arrangement of red and white roses.
    “Baby, I am so glad you are okay. I have been calling to check on you the whole time.”
    He shoved me out of the way, pissing me off in a major way. He handed her the flowers, but she wrinkled her nose slightly. Not a fan of roses apparently.
    “Thanks, they’re beautiful,” she said softly.
    He reached down and kissed her mouth. Watching the display, I felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart. When did this happen? She broke the kiss and quickly looked up to me, but said nothing. He turned around; instead of the usual superiority he walked around with, he looked humble.
    “I can’t begin to say how grateful I am Damien. Mylie has changed my life.” And mine . “I don’t think I could bear it if something happened to her.” Nor would I. I just nodded, not sure if I could control my temper.
    “What did you want to say Professor?” she asked quietly. Her eyes pleaded with me, but I couldn’t say it. I had done this to myself, and I had shoved her into his arms.
    “That I hope you feel better.”
    “Thank you again, for saving my life.”
    I nodded slightly. When I left the room, I knew I was leaving the love of my life.

Chapter Thirteen

    Was he really going to say it? Why had I agreed to start dating Xavier when my heart wanted Damien? He had come in with all of those roses and that huge smile on his face.
    Lord, I hated roses .
    They were so impersonal, and anyone with half a brain cell could buy roses. My grandmother had raised me to appreciate the gesture, but Xavier came in at the wrong time. I knew what Damien was going to say, and I had pleaded with my eyes for him to say it, but he didn’t. Instead he walked away, AGAIN!
    “Did you hear what I said?” Xavier asked with a sweet smile.
    “Sorry, kind of zoned out there for a minute,” I said sheepishly.
    “It’s understandable. I said I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner, but I had to help my father out of another bind.” I nodded. I knew that Xavier hated that his father had gone on a drinking binge after his grandfather had passed away.
    “Is he all right?” I asked genuinely concerned for his father.
    “No, he is being hospitalized for liver failure in Atlantic City. I am making arrangements for him to get transported here. My mother is not happy with my decision, but he’s my dad, you know?” I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lips and kissed his knuckles.
    “I understand.” What would I do to have my father, even if he were nothing more than the shell of the man I once knew?
    “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get upset,” he said, his face full of regret.
    “Don’t you worry about me anymore than you already have. I’m fine. I was just thinking that I’d do anything to have my father, even if my father were like yours.” Tears began to pool in my eyes, and my voice started to crack. “They never stop being our fathers even when they prove they are not invincible like we believed them to be.”
    “You’re right.” He cupped my face and stared into my eyes, wiping my tears away. “Do you know how amazing you are? You never cease to amaze me.”
    “Oh hush… I am just like any other girl.” I playfully shoved his chest, but he held my hand against his beating heart. I watched as he swallowed, his clear eyes hypnotizing me.
    “You aren’t like anyone I’ve ever known, and I know how lucky I am that you’re giving us a chance. Truth is, I’ve known what I’ve wanted for a long time. There was always a blank face for the person who was by my side, but it finally has one. It’s you.”
    Oh. My. God. What do I even say to that?
    “Um--, I,” I started to say. He gazed deeply into my eyes, and gave me a heart-dropping smile while he gently slid the pad of his thumb over my burning cheeks.
    Lord I think he is going to kiss me.
    “How is possible you look even more

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