Words of Seduction

Words of Seduction by Dara Girard

Book: Words of Seduction by Dara Girard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Girard
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it just would have taken longer.”
    “I can’t believe she’d abandon her child.”
    Rick stared down at her with amusement. “If you knew her you’d believe it. I met her at a high society gathering. She pressed a pair of black lace panties into my hand and I took her up on her offer. I was flattered that a woman like her would take interest in me. I was reckless back then.” He rested his shoulder against the wall. “But that’s no surprise to you. You never expected much of men. Especially me. No one did.”
    “I never said that.”
    “Some things don’t need to be said.”
    “Well you’re wrong, but I’m not going to try to convince you.”
    He shrugged. “I can’t say I’m proud of what happened. I was stupid.”
    “Meaning, what was supposed to be a one-night stand dragged on for nearly two years because I wasn’t paying attention. But I don’t regret getting Luke out of it.”
    He searched her gaze and soon the very air around them seemed electrified. She lowered her eyes. “Sonow you have Mandy who is more of the motherly type.”
    He nodded. “Yes, I pay her to be.”
    She looked up at him again and frowned. “Pay her? What is it with you and money?”
    “She’s Luke’s nanny.” He smiled at her expression. “Who did you think she was?”
    “You know who I thought she was.” Suzanne paused. “But she’s not very good.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “If she’s his nanny, she shouldn’t have forgotten him in the foyer.”
    “She didn’t forget him. She just doesn’t want to hover over him. He tends to freeze in new situations, but eventually recovers.”
    Suzanne didn’t agree, but shrugged. “Doesn’t matter anyway. I’m sure you’ll be happy here.”
    Rick’s gaze grew serious. “Actually it does matter. I brought Luke here for a reason. I wanted you to meet him.”
    “Why? You needed something else to brag about?”
    “I think we can help each other.”
    Suzanne shook her head. “The answer is no.”
    “You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
    “No, but I already think it’s a bad idea. It has to be. It’s yours, after all.”
    “At least let me finish.”
    She shrugged and folded her arms. “Fine. Go ahead.”
    “I’ve got money and I can clear all your debts and you’ll be free to write. In exchange I ask for only one favor.”
    She looked at him, wary. “Can I say no now?”
    “Suzanne,” he said with warning.
    “What’s the favor?”
    “Marry me.”
    Her arms fell to her side. She’d imagined him saying many things, but not that. “What?”
    “I’m asking you to marry me.”
    “Are you crazy?”
    He held up his hand. “Hear me out. I don’t care how people treat me in this town, but I do care how they treat Luke. With you as his stepmother he’ll meet the right people and grow up the way he should. I want to give Luke all the benefits I didn’t have.”
    “But there are plenty of other women—”
    “They are not who I want. I want someone who knows the ins and outs of this town, how this house should be run. I want someone who has your reputation and history.”
    “Della would marry you in a second.” She snapped her fingers.
    “I want someone with half a brain.” He shook his head. “You’re perfect. You have the right name.”
    She laughed. “That name may not mean as much anymore. Especially because of the book.”
    “It’s still better than mine. You know this can work. You’ve got the style and class that I don’t have and in this town that matters more than money. People respect you.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And I’d take care of you.”
    “I can take care of myself.”
    “I need your help.”
    She headed for the door. “No, you don’t.”
    “Don’t think of me, think of Luke. Help me take care of him.”
    She halted in the doorway. He was offering her achance she’d stopped allowing herself to dream about. To be a mother. But at what price? “I promised I’d

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