Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)

Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) by Marie Higgins

Book: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) by Marie Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Higgins
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traitor and it wouldn’t matter if she was the duke’s daughter or Oliver Townshend’s niece. She’d be hanged for treason and nobody would save her.
    She didn’t want to be a coward, but she didn’t think she could play these double roles. She also noticed that Gabe also played double roles. Although he acted interested in Anna, he also tried to keep Emiline entertained. Because she had to accompany Lady Sarah whenever Gabe took her on a ride or a walk, sometimes it seemed he talked more to Emmie than Anna. During these times, her heart softened and she had become weak in the knees. Remembering the steamy kiss they’d shared not too long ago was permanently in her mind, and it wasn’t healthy to daydream so often.
    And the pond ... Sighing, she slipped farther down into the cushions of the couch, lifting the book to cover the cheeks she knew were flaming from the memory. She didn’t know how much of her body he’d seen, but it was so very improper. Yet, why did she receive flutters in her stomach every time she thought about it?
    Loud footsteps echoed in the corridor outside the library and she straightened to see who was coming to invade her private time. When Rebecca and Anna walked through the door, Emiline sat up straight and slipped back into her role.
    Anna’s brown eyes jumped with excitement, but before she could say anything, Rebecca smiled haughtily.
    “Miss Emmie? Might I have a word?”
    “Certainly, Miss Hampton.”
    “My father and mother are taking Lady Sarah and myself to Manchester tomorrow to do some shopping, and then to see an opera afterward. We will be gone two, perhaps three days. I need you to get trunks packed for the journey.”
    Emiline’s heart picked up rhythm. Manchester? How thrilling. She’d heard that was a very large town in New Hampshire and had plenty of things to do for those visiting. She tried not to express her joy, but kept a pleasant smile when she nodded. “Lady Sarah and I will be ready, I assure you.”
    Anna stepped to her and clasped her hands. “Oh, Emmie, this will be so fun. I can hardly wait. We will have the grandest time—”
    “We?” Rebecca cut in.
    Anna glanced at the other woman. “Yes. My companion and I—”
    “Heavens no, my lady. Miss Emmie will remain here.”
    Emmie’s heart dropped to her stomach, and although she wanted to ask why Rebecca didn’t want her to go, Emmie already knew. That woman was so mean and selfish, Emmie would probably spend most of the trip teaching her manners, she was sure. She glanced at Anna and frowned.
    Anna shook her head. “Miss Hampton, Emmie has to come.”
    Rebecca’s false smile pricked Emiline’s temper, making her want to physically lash out at the obtuse woman.
    “Miss Emmie won’t be needed since you with be with me and my parents.” Rebecca threw a glare toward Emiline. She quickly diverted her attention to Anna. “Melba will be traveling with us, and she’ll help you however you need. Besides, my maid is used to hard labor and will do an exceptional job.”
    Anna’s happy expression disappeared when a frown claimed her face. Emiline pursed her lips tight. Apparently, Miss Hampton didn’t think Emmie worked very hard.
    She nodded to Rebecca then looked at Anna. “I will have your things ready, Lady Sarah.” Then, before she was tempted to put Rebecca in her place, she quickly spun around and left the room.
    Storming into Anna’s room, Emiline yanked open the closet doors and pulled out the trunks. “I’m not used to hard labor?” she mumbled to herself as she stuffed a dress into the trunk. “Who does Miss Hampton think she is to judge me so harshly?”
    The bedroom door opened and Anna flew in. She ran to Emiline and grabbed her hands. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know—”
    “Anna,” she stopped her. “I realize what Miss Hampton thinks of me. Most of the Hampton’s servants think I am

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