Wolves at the Door (MMM)
Chapter One
    Aiden really wanted to jump into the
pile of leaves behind the house, but he knew Patrick would be angry
with him for the rest of the day if he did. He stepped off the
porch, balancing two mugs of hot cider in his hands, and walked
over to where Patrick stood. Aiden had to clear his throat to get
Patrick to stop raking.
    “ Hey,” Patrick said
distractedly, reaching for the mug. “Thanks.”
    “ Sure you don’t want
help?” Aiden said as he sat down on the picnic table and propped
his feet on one of the benches.
    “ I’m fine. Just felt like
getting some exercise.” Patrick remained standing as he sipped his
cider, though he did at least prop the rake against the
    Aiden and Patrick hadn’t had sex in
weeks. While there was nothing wrong with that, Aiden had started
to worry about Patrick.
    “ Are we okay, Patrick?” he
    Patrick met Aiden’s gaze and nodded as
he pushed his wavy brown hair off his forehead. “Yeah, baby, we’re
fine. It’s just me.” He shrugged. “I feel weird lately, I
    “ Because of what our
parents said?”
    Patrick stared down into his mug.
“Your parents never talk much with my parents, yet they all show up
out of the blue from opposite ends of the country to remind us our
family isn’t complete yet?” He raised his eyes. “I thought things
would be better once they’d all accepted that we’re
    Werewolf packs didn’t live together in
communes anymore. That had gone out in the nineteenth century.
However, they still settled down in packs of three or more. Aiden
had two mothers and one father, as did Patrick. Neither of them
knew which of the women who had raised them had actually given
birth to them, and both of them loved all of their parents equally,
valuing the love they’d been given over biology. It had been a
happy way to grow up for both of them. All six parents had been
surprised to learn Aiden and Patrick were gay, and they had
expressed concerns about grandchildren.
    “ Do you feel incomplete?”
Aiden asked.
    “ At times, but I don’t
want what they think we should want. I don’t want to bring a woman
in and breed with her. I want our lover to be a man.” Patrick put
his mug down and sat beside Aiden. “Your mothers took that better
than mine did. Mine looked insulted, as if I’d said I hate women or
    “ Deep down, they know you.
They would never think that you hate women.” He put his cider aside
and touched Patrick’s hand. “I want a man to complete our pack,
too, so don’t worry about that.”
    “ I know. You’ve made that
clear, but I worry at times, baby. I don’t want you to regret
choosing me. You know, not having children and
    Aiden put his arm around Patrick.
“Between the two of us, we have nine nieces and nephews already.
Our lines will carry on, just not directly through us. It’s seen as
odd because we’re both the firstborn, but it’ll be
    Patrick leaned into Aiden’s shoulder.
“I don’t want you to wake up one day and think you’ve missed out on
something. You dated lots of women before discovering you were gay,
something I didn’t do. I never envisioned children, but I have to
imagine you did.”
    Aiden kissed Patrick’s forehead. “I
love you. There is only one thing I want: a hot guy who gets us and
wants to fuck us both senseless the moment he sees us.”
    Patrick laughed. “Oh, is that
    Aiden sighed, visions of exactly what
he wanted making him smile. “I want to go inside and make love to
you. You’ve been distant lately.”
    Patrick pulled away enough to look at
Aiden. “I know I have. I’m sorry.” He took Aiden’s hand. “Let me
make it up to you. We’ll go out to dinner and then I’ll let you do
anything you want to me.”
    Aiden smiled. “Anything?”
    “ Yes.”
    As the alpha in their relationship,
Patrick typically took the lead in the bedroom, which made it even
more thrilling for Aiden to be given free

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