you are right Kane, let's pull up for the night and post two sentries changing at three hour intervals. I am sure the bandits will have made camp as well in these conditions.”
They did what they were told with gratitude if not with some grumbling too, it was to be expected.
There was little conversation that night before they all bed down, it was still dreary under the overcast conditions and from time to time light drizzle fell. It wouldn't be until well after midnight when the rain would stop and skies clear.
Wollfen awoke in the small hours before dawn and looked about, he had stood watch earlier in the night and was hoping to sleep right through, no such luck. He propped his head up and looked about for the sentries and managed to spot them doing their duty, that was good. In his experience sometimes one or both would nod off.
He looked up into the clear night sky seeing the teeming stars above, there was no moon but the sight was still magnificent, he never tired of it. He heard a whisper off to his left, it was Keera,
“You can't sleep either.”
“I have been thinking a lot the last couple of days and I wanted to ask you some questions.”
“Sure, go ahead, my head is clear.” Keera sat up and collected her thoughts,
“Do you suppose if this group of yours does a good job that there may be positions within government for a person like me?” He couldn't see why not and said so,
“Anytime you do some work that shows your prowess it is sure to pay off in benefits afterward, if you are looking for a steady job with some government authority I am sure you would manage it. Tell me Keera, what's making you consider such a thing anyway?”
“Oh, I have been thinking about what I have done with my life the last ten years and to be honest other than becoming experienced at what I do I can't point to any real achievements.”
“Well look at what we are doing tonight Keera, are we not on an adventure to save the life of a local Lord of a town?” She smiled,
“Yes and that's only because I chose to ride with you, a man who I am realizing very quickly doesn't hesitate in taking up arms in defense of what is right and true.” He looked at her with a questioning look,
“I am not sure I understand.” She sighed a little,
“Le me tell you what I see okay?” He nodded, “When we worked out Dark was in trouble there was no hesitation, no choice to be made about whether to go and look for her or not, you just decided we were on our way and we did it. Then earlier today when we arrived back at Outrock and found out what was happening, did you ask who is taking care of things? No. Did you think about letting someone else do it? You didn't say so, but I think the thought didn't even cross your mind to maybe let it go, right?” He nodded, “See, for you it's always been second nature, do what's right without even thinking. If it had been me, I would have thought about having a beer first and not even giving second thought to the welfare of the Lord.”
“You are right Keera, it is what I do, I just see something and act on it, but do you think taking a government job will change who you are?”
“I was thinking it might, if I had responsibilities I would make the effort then?”
“Hmm, maybe so Keera, maybe so.”
Not much else was said and they both laid down again, Keera went to sleep rather quickly but for Wollfen he was thinking hard about what Keera had said and what it could all mean. Ah crap man, stop thinking so much, get some sleep.
At the crack of dawn they were all roused, it was time to get moving quickly if they were to make up even more ground in short time. Packing their rolls the posse mounted their horses once again and moved off in the early morning rays of the sun just now peeking out from behind the trees. They were all yawning as Kane led the way watching the ground intently as he tracked the bandits.
After about two hours more of riding Wollfen rode up beside Kane who
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