Wolf Wood (Part Two): The Dangerous years
complexion didn't fit either. Porters were usually ruddy faced. This man looked as if he spent most of his life indoors.
    'Sir Harald. Is that you?'
    He caught sight of her husband.
    'Pray. Come and vouch for me. I do fear for my life.'
    The man didn't speak like a porter either. Alice guessed he was a lawyer or churchman. Harald went across. He seemed amused by the man's appearance.
    'Sir Geoffrey. Have you changed you profession? You were an inquisitor for the late Cardinal Beaufort when we last met. It seems that you have turned your talents to a different trade.'
    'I was obliged to attire myself in this garb to escape the mob, Sir Harald. There has been a most appalling catastrophe.'
    'Tell me all about it.'
    Harald assumed an inquisitorial tone and the man squirmed. Alice sensed that their past relationship had been far from harmonious.
    'I have just come from Blackheath.'
    He spoke as if that would explain everything.
    'Go on.'
    'You surely know.'
    'Tell us everything, Sir Geoffrey, or I shall instruct the guard to cast you in irons.' Harald bore down on him. 'I require every detail and if you again say “you surely know”, I shall assume that you are a spy and fishing for information.'
    He turned to the escort.
    'Take him to the guardhouse. I shall continue my questioning there.'
    Steven watched them go.
    'What did I tell you?' He turned to his mother. 'I said he was a spy. Father knows what to do to him.'
    The guardhouse was next to the suite of rooms where Harald had been questioned nine years earlier. There was a strange irony in the turn of events. One of his inquisitors had turned up, pleading for help. Did the man think he would acquiesce without getting something in return? He instructed the guard to stand by in an antechamber, ready to assist in the questioning, should that be needed. It was a veiled threat to use physical persuasion, should that be needed.
    Sir Geoffrey had been one of the least subtle of his inquisitors and it seemed safe to assume that he would not be susceptible to subtle persuasion. Harald sat down at a table and glared at him.
    'You were telling me about Blackheath.'
    'The remnants of the royal army were camped there, Sir Harald. His Majesty went down to address them. We thought his presence would restore the men to his allegiance. But voices shouted out calling for the arrest of his advisers, saying we were traitors who had sold England to the French. Others joined in and His Majesty was greatly alarmed.'
    Sir Geoffrey paused for breath.
    'Go on.'
    'His Majesty acquiesced to their demands, Sir Harald, and ordered the immediate arrest of Lord Say and Sheriff Crowmer. Say has been assigned to the Tower and Crowmer to Fleet Prison.'
    'Did Lord Say go to the Tower as a prisoner or as a refugee needing protection?'
    'His Majesty made it clear that he is a prisoner.'
    'I am not asking about His Majesty,' Harald leant forward and grimaced. 'I am seeking your opinion.'
    'I think it likely that he went for protection.'
    'Who else has taken refuge in the Tower?'
    'The Archbishop of Canterbury and most of the Council, Sir Harald.'
    'And what of His Majesty?'
    'King Henry has issued a proclamation saying that all traitors will be arrested and he's agreed to set up a commission whose members will be instructed to bring justice against extortioners, corrupt advisers and officials accused in such terms by Cade and the men of Kent.'
    Harald made copious notes on his wax tablet.
    'Do you class yourself as one of these persons?'
    'I have been so named.'
    Harald rocked back on his bench and smiled.
    'And you have come here to destroy the evidence?'
    'The Westminster archives contain many documents that could be construed as incriminating, if they fell into the wrong hands, Sir Harald.'
    'And you know where to find them?'
    'I believe I could locate all the documents relating to your unfortunate arrest and the unjust accusations of witchcraft brought against your dear wife.'
    Harald picked up his

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