Without Inhibitions
Without Inhibitions
    By Eva Hore
    Julie, my sister, had moved to Australia and even though the distance was far we always kept our bond close. We spoke to each other constantly over the internet and as we’d only been born eighteen months apart we had much in common, probably more than most sisters.
    I decided to spend my summer holidays in Sydney this year. It meant Julie could keep working and still show me around when she had time. I’d been to Melbourne when she’d been stationed there for her first job. It had been a fantastic city to visit. Lots to see and do.
    It was a great way for me to see the country. I hoped she might get a transfer to Queensland as I heard the weather there was awesome and the beaches amazing but for now I was happy just to see her.
    I was looking forward to Sydney, heard a lot from others who had travelled there. I had a list of places to visit. The Sydney Harbor Bridge Walk was on top of the list. Also Toronga Zoo and the waterways, where travelling was by ferry, were a must see. That really appealed to me. You could buy an all-day ticket and go from one attraction to the next at your leisure.
    The Blue Mountains and more. There was an Urban Jungle Adventure Park which looked like fun and I was sure there were many places that Julie could recommend.
    Julie picked me up from the airport. She looked fabulous. It was summer here and her skin was tanned, glowing with health. I, on the other hand, had just spent my time freezing my arse off at home. England was cold most of the time and in winter it was bitterly cold.
    “God, it’s good to see you,” Julie said, hugging me tightly.
    “You look amazing. Your new girlfriend must be just what the doctor ordered.”
    “Seriously, Rowena is perfect. I can’t believe how lucky I am,” she gushed.
    “I’m happy for you.”
    “You’ll find someone too, you’ll see,” she said putting her arm around me.
    I’d broken up with my old girlfriend six months ago and was still smarting from it. She’d been cheating on me. I hadn’t believed it at first, didn’t want to but eventually she slipped up and I caught her out. It was painful as I thought we’d be together forever.
    So now here I was. I hoped the sunshine and meeting new people would make me forget her, even if for a short time. Julie raved about Sydney, there were plenty of gay bars around and people here were more open than in some parts of England.
    We hailed a taxi and within half an hour we were sitting in her lounge. Rowena was still at work and wouldn’t be home until dinner time. I unpacked quickly, showered and helped Julie with dinner. I was eager to fit into their time zone as soon as possible. Jet lag was a pain to deal with and I didn’t want to miss any days trying to overcome it.
    When I met Rowena I instantly saw how perfect they were for each other. Julie literally glowed in her presence. Rowena was easy to talk to and before long I felt as though I’d known her for years.
    “I think I’d better go to bed now,” I said yawning. “It’s almost nine. Got no idea what time it is back home.”
    “Who cares, you’re here now,” Julie laughed. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mark said hello.”
    I stared at her and she seemed to have a slight smirk on her face. As if I’d want to speak with him.
    “Who cares,” I said. “I can’t stand the guy. I’m going to bed.”
    * * * *
    Mark was a friend from England who worked with Julie. He’d come out a year before she did, helped her get the job. He wanted to show me around; she said he insisted on it. I didn’t really know why. Last time I’d met him I found him quite tedious, he was opinionated and at times could be quite rude. He’d tried to pick me up and when I wasn’t interested he made a scene.
    “Why did you say I’d go with him?” I asked Julie the morning he was to pick me up.
    “He really likes you. He’s been asking me a lot about you since the last time you met him at the New Year’s Eve

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